The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia abyssinica Vatke Oesterr. Bot. Z. 25: 327 (1875) wfo-0000103969 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia acuminata DC. Prodr. 5: 541 (1836) wfo-0000013609 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia aequitoreale Benth. & Hook.f. –
wfo-0000016396 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia affinis DC. Prodr. 5: 541 (1836) wfo-0000035274 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia albicaulis S.Moore J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam iv. 146 (1921). wfo-0000016299 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia alutacea Pohl ex Baker Fl. Bras. (Martius) 6(3): 200. 1884 [1 May 1884]
wfo-0000136921 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ambigua DC. Prodr. 5: 541 (1836) wfo-0000073759 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia andersonii (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 390 (1992): (1992) wfo-0000042485 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia angustifolia (Gardner ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 391 (1992): (1992) wfo-0000000288 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia aspera (Jacq. ) Small –
wfo-0000089844 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia aurea D.Don ex Hook. Bot. Mag. 62: t. 3384. 1835 wfo-0000089933 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia bakeri B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 391. 1992 wfo-0000083575 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia bengalensis Rich. Syn. Pl. ii. 490 wfo-0000137032 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia bishoplecta (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 391. 1992 wfo-0000075805 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia brachycarpa Chodat Bull. Herb. Boissier ser. 2, 1: 416. 1901 wfo-0000134316 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia buphthalmoides var. dominicensis Griseb. Fl. Brit. W.I. [Grisebach] 372. 1861 [late 1861] wfo-0001412699 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cachimboensis (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 391 (1992): (1992) wfo-0000028765 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia calendulacea Rich. Syn. Pl. ii. 490 wfo-0000114301 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia caleoides Aristeg. Fl. Venez. 10(2): 545 (1964) wfo-0000010465 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia carnosa Pers. Syn. Pl. 2(2): 490 (1807) wfo-0000121619 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia carnosa var. triloba Rich. Syn. Pl. [Persoon] 2(2): 490. 1807 [Sep 1807] (as β triloba) wfo-0001409030 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia comaxillaris S.F.Blake J. Bot. 68: 48 (1930) wfo-0000095017 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia copiapina Reiche Anales Univ. Chile 112: 140 (1903) wfo-0000083780 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cordifolia Mart. ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 261 (1884) wfo-0000132637 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cristata Standl. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 12: 331. 1909 wfo-0000124180 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cruciana Pers. 2: 490 1807
wfo-0000021365 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cruciana Rich. Syn. Pl. ii. 490. wfo-0000120381 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cuyabensis (Malme ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000000636 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia cylindrocephala (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000093430 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia diffusiflora (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000039007 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ecliptaefolia (DC. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000036484 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ecliptoides F.Muell. Pl. Vict. sub t. 39. wfo-0000014955 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ehrenbergii subsp. veronicifolia (A.Rich. ) Borhidi & O.Muñiz Bot. Közlem. 62: 27. 1975 wfo-0001406154 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ehrenbergii var. mayerhoffii O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. 7(1): 111 (1911) wfo-0001379171 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ehrenbergii var. veronicifolia (A.Rich. ) O.E.Schulz – wfo-0001414579 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia elata (Pilg. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000072157 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia elliptica DC. –
wfo-0000025998 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia episcopalis (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 , as 'epascopalis' wfo-0000011641 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia episcopalis H.Rob. Phytologia 54: 55, fig (1983) wfo-0000060014 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia equatorialis Benth. & Hook.f. Gen. Pl. 2(1): 350, in obs. (1873) wfo-0000096616 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia forbesii S.Moore J. Bot. 52: 264 (1914) wfo-0000024417 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia frioana B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000037290 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia frustrata B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 392 (1992), nom. nov. (1992) wfo-0000026631 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia frutescens Hook.f. ex Benth. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 13: 439 (an tenuicaulis ?). 1873 wfo-0000022087 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia frutescens Sieber ex Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. : 372 (1861) wfo-0000002856 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia frutescens Spreng. ex DC. Prodr. 5: 541 (1836) wfo-0000006112 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia gardneri B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000080784 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia gaudichaudii DC. Prodr. 5: 542 (1836) wfo-0000036023 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia glabrata Boerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 2(1): 242 (1891) wfo-0000012087 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia glauca S.F.Blake Contr. Gray Herb. 52: 39 (1917) wfo-0000001587 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia gonzalezorum B.L.Turner Phytologia 65: 349 (-350). 1988
wfo-0000066007 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia gracilis f. luxurians O.E.Schulz ex Urb. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 109 (1929) wfo-0001321377 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia helianthoides (Schumach. ) Isawumi Feddes Repert. 108(7-8): 560, without basion (1997) wfo-0000000335 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia heringeriana (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 392. 1992 wfo-0000020688 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia hirtella Humbert Compos. Madagascar 115, 301 (1923) wfo-0000078834 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia hispidantha (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000079790 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia hoffmanniana Bruns Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 8: 79, fig. 11(1-5) (1929) wfo-0000001367 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia homogama V.R.Bueno & J.N.Nakaj. Phytotaxa 470(2): 214. 2020 wfo-1000025215 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia horsfieldiana (Miq. ) Boerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 242 (1891) wfo-0000059754 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia humilis Schweigg. Enum. Pl. Hort. Regiom. : 79 wfo-0000039440 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia inconstans D'Arcy Phytologia 30: 5 (1975) wfo-0000126771 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia instar S.Moore J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 35: 343 (1902) wfo-0000090768 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquini O.E.Schulz – wfo-0000016953 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii f. andersonii O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. (Urban). 7(1): 104. 1911 [15 Dec 1911] wfo-0001403411 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii f. angustifolia O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. (Urban). 7(1): 102. 1911 [15 Dec 1911] wfo-0001403412 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii f. jacquinii – –
wfo-0000047744 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii f. truncata O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. (Urban). 7(1): 102. 1911 [15 Dec 1911] wfo-0001403413 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii subsp. acuminata (DC. ) Stehlé Adansonia (n. s.) 2: 356 (1962) wfo-0001359909 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii subsp. cruciana (Rich. ) Stehlé Adansonia (n. s.) 2: 356 (1962) wfo-0001359911 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii subsp. involucrata (O.E.Schulz ) Stehlé Adansonia (n. s.) 2: 356. 1962 wfo-0001406155 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii subsp. jacquinii – –
wfo-0000046818 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. acuminata O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. 7(1): 102 (1911) wfo-0001379172 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. andersonii (O.E.Schulz ) Stehlé Adansonia n. s. 2: 357. 1962 wfo-0001412703 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. angustifolia (O.E.Schulz ) Stehlé Adansonia n. s. 2: 354. 1962 wfo-0001412704 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. caracasana O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. 7(1): 104 (1911) wfo-0000108691 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. involucrata O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. (Urban). 7(1): 104. 1911 [15 Dec 1911] wfo-0001412705 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. jacquinii – –
wfo-0000049753 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. magdalenae Stehlé Adansonia , n.s., 2: 357 (1962) wfo-0001379365 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. mariae-galantae Stehlé Adansonia , n.s., 2: 355 (1962) wfo-0001379364 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jacquinii var. truncata (O.E.Schulz ) Stehlé Adansonia n. s. 2: 355. 1962 wfo-0001412706 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia javana (Turcz. ) Boerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. 2 (1891) 242 1891
wfo-0000008258 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia jugata (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000076731 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia karwinskiana Mart. –
wfo-0000006251 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia kotschyi (Sch.Bip. ) Isawumi Feddes Repert. 108(7-8): 559, without basionym page 1997
wfo-0000090940 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia laevissima (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000091648 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia lifuana Hochr. ex Guillaumin Bull. Soc. Bot. France 84: 59, pro syn. (1937) wfo-0000033548 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia longifolia Mart. – wfo-0000077806 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia macrodonta var. parviflora Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 14: 177 (1915) wfo-0001379174 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia madagascariensis Humbert Flore de Madagascar et des Comores 189(3): 646 1963
wfo-0000124123 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia martii (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000084528 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia meridensis (V.M.Badillo ) V.M.Badillo Enum. Compuestas (Asterac.) Venezuela (Rev. Fac. Agron. (Maracay), 45) 131 (1994):. wfo-0000055475 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia mollis Pers. Syn. Pl. 2(2): 490 (1807) wfo-0000128670 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia monantha (Vell. ) Remor, Bringel & J.F.B.Pastore Phytotaxa 545(1): 104. 2022 wfo-1000031158 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia montana var. pilosa H.Koyama Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36: 170 (1985) wfo-0001389014 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia montevidensis (Spreng. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000103386 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia oblonga (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 393. 1992 wfo-0000072263 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia oblongifolia Pohl ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 256 (1884) wfo-0000127184 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia oxylepis S.F.Blake Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 22: 616 (1924) wfo-0000127715 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia paludicola Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. iii. 50. wfo-0000079035 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia paludosa var. latifolia DC. Prodr. 5: 538 (1836) wfo-0001379175 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia paludosa var. vialis DC. Prodr. 5: 538 (1836) wfo-0000096835 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pascalioides Baker –
wfo-0000020661 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pauciflora V.R.Bueno, S.C.Ferreira & J.N.Nakaj. Phytotaxa 470(2): 211. 2020 wfo-1000025216 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pedunculata Mart. ex Colla Herb. Pedem. iii. 428 (1834). wfo-0000032770 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pertenius H.Rob. Phytologia 55: 397 (-398), fig. 1984
wfo-0000014726 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia podophylla (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000135857 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pohlii Sch.Bip. ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 183 (1884) wfo-0000040982 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pratensis Vatke Abh. Naturwiss. Vereins Bremen 9: 121 (1885) wfo-0000087926 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia procumbens (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000089607 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia psammophila Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. Bras. 3: 50 (1843) wfo-0000747471 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pseudoviguiera (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000138089 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pseudoyedaea (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000122226 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pumilla Pohl ex Baker –
wfo-0000055195 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia pusilla (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 394 (1992): (1992) wfo-0000087329 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia radiosa Ker Gawl. Bot. Reg. t. 610. wfo-0000035895 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ramagii (Ridl. ) J.U.Santos Atas Soc. Bot. Brasil, Secc. Rio de Janeiro 3: 118. 1993 wfo-0000077019 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia ramosissima (Gardner ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 394 (1992): (1992) wfo-0000138805 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia reticulata (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000039826 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia reticulata Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. [Grisebach] 154. 1866 [May-Aug 1866] wfo-0000083367 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia rudis subsp. fontinaloides (C.D.Adams ) Isawumi Feddes Repert. 108(7-8): 561 (1997) wfo-0000106479 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia rudis subsp. rudis – –
wfo-0000090255 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia rugosa var. nitens O.E.Schulz Symb. Antill. 7(1): 112 (1911) wfo-0001379176 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia rugosa var. tenuis Greenm. Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 2: 269 (1907) wfo-0001379177 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia scaberrima Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India [J. D. Hooker] 3(8): 307, sphalm., in syn. 1881 [Mar 1881] wfo-0000024336 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia scaberrima Pohl ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 255 (1884) wfo-0000036797 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia scabriuscula Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 9(2): 223. 1887 ; Boerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Indie, 2(1): 241 (1891)
wfo-0000135187 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia scandens C.B.Clarke Compos. Ind. 136 (excl. syn.). (1876) wfo-0000074813 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia scandens Gardner London J. Bot. 4: 125 (1845) wfo-0000061558 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia schultziana Miq. Fl. Ned. Ind. ii. 69. wfo-0000072528 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia serra Pohl ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 184 (1884) wfo-0000091230 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia serrata var. multidentata O.E.Schulz ex Urb. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 26: 109 (1929) wfo-0001379178 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia serrata var. serrata – in Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2(2): 490. 1807.
wfo-0000110997 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia serrulata (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000029472 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia sessilifolia Pohl ex Baker Fl. Bras. 6(3): 180 (1884) wfo-0000026307 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia sieberi Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 372, in obs. (1861) wfo-0000101899 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia simpsonae (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000129933 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia spenceriana (Muschl. ) Isawumi Feddes Repert. 108(7-8): 561 (1997) wfo-0000061181 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia squarrosa (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 394. 1992 wfo-0000110719 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia strigulosa Benth. & Hook.f. ex Drake Ill. Fl. Ins. Pacif. 207. 1890 wfo-0000034673 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia subpetiolata (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 395. 1992 wfo-0000122854 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia tannensis Endl. Ann. Wiener Mus. Naturgesch. i. 168, n.° 989 (1836) wfo-0000025594 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia tenuicaulis Hook.f. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 213 (1847) wfo-0000137405 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia tenuifolia V.R.Bueno & J.N.Nakaj. Phytotaxa 472(1): 42. 2020 wfo-1000025217 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia texana (A.Gray ) B.L.Turner –
wfo-0000028975 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia thailandica H.Koyama Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 36: 168 (1985) wfo-0000007341 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia tomentosa (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 395. 1992 wfo-0000088167 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia trichostemma Steud. Nomencl. Bot. 2: 703, in syn., sphalm. (1841) wfo-0000043421 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia trilobata A.St.-Hil. – wfo-0000051132 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia trilobata var. pilosissima S.F.Blake J. Washington Acad. Sci. 21: 332 (1931) wfo-0001379180 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia urticifolia DC. Contr. Bot. India [Wight] 18. 1834 wfo-0001350247 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia veronicifolia A.Rich. 53 1850 wfo-0000117147 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia vieirae (H.Rob. ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72: 395. 1992 wfo-0000043583 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia villosa Gardner London J. Bot. 7: 289, partim. 1848 wfo-0000108916 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia violacea L. Syst. Nat., ed. 10. 2: 890. 1759 [7 Jun 1759] wfo-0000427275 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia wallichii var. megalantha H.Chuang Fl. Yunnanica 13: 833 (262-263) (2004) wfo-0001382667 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia warmingii (Baker ) B.L.Turner Phytologia 72(5): 395 (1992) (1992) wfo-0000033107 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia zollingeriana Boerl. Handl. Fl. Ned. Ind. (Boerlage) 2(1): 242. 1891 [1 Oct 1891] wfo-0000096311 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia zollingeriana Sch.Bip. ex C.B.Clarke Compos. Ind. : 136 (1876) wfo-0000122279 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia zuliana S.Jiménez Acta Bot. Venez. 21(2): 107. 1999 [1998 publ. 1999] wfo-0000022467 The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Wedelia zuliana S.Jiménez Acta Bot. Venez. 21(2): 107 (-112, figs. 1-2) (1998) wfo-0000093507