As classified in WFO snapshot
March 2019
Warning: older classification
This genus name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 734 (1753)
At the time of this classification snapshot, this genus name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-4000040234.
Species in Vicia ( ${pageIsLoading?'loading':'showing'} species ${currentlyShowingRangeFirst} to ${currentlyShowingRangeLast} of ${ totalPartsCount })
Name | Author | Protologue | Nomenclator | WFO link |
— | ${} | |||
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Unplaced Names
These names are not yet placed in the taxonomy, but may be associated with Vicia:
Name | Author | Protologue | Nomenclator | WFO link |
Vicia adriatica | Mitt. Naturwiss. Vereins Univ. Wien 5: 94 1907 | wfo-0000418719 | ||
Vicia agerii | Fl. Pyren. 2: 541 1899 | wfo-0000418723 | ||
Vicia agrestis | Flora 26: 444 1843 | — | wfo-0000750688 | |
Vicia agrigentinum | Handbuch 2: 190 1831 | wfo-0000418724 | ||
Vicia albescens | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 54: 366 1904 | — | wfo-0000418726 | |
Vicia albicans | Trans. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 4: 33 1831 | wfo-0000418722 | ||
Vicia alpina | Reise Russ. Reich. 2: 568 1773 | wfo-0000418727 | ||
Vicia alternans | Linnaea 32: 631 1864 | wfo-0000418728 | ||
Vicia alternifolia | Linnaea 32: 631 1864 | wfo-0000418729 | ||
Vicia amoena | Prodr. 2: 355 355 1825 | wfo-0001055253 | ||
Vicia amphicarpos | Herbor. Montpellier 48 1796 | wfo-0000418717 | ||
Vicia anderssonii | Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 9: 197 1924 | wfo-0000418721 | ||
Vicia angulata | Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 5: 429 1847 | wfo-0000418694 | ||
Vicia angulosa | Desc. Pl. Montauban 129 1789 | wfo-0000418695 | ||
Vicia anguste-pinnata | Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 28: 329 329 | wfo-0001056146 | ||
Vicia anisodonta | Diagn. Pl. Orient. II, 2: 41 1856 | wfo-0000418698 | ||
Vicia anomala | Prodr. Fl. Monast. Westphal. 218 1824 | wfo-0000418699 | ||
Vicia aquitanica | Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 37: 554 1883 | — | wfo-0000418696 | |
Vicia arenivaga | Prodr. Fl. Plat. Centr. 1: 214 1876 | wfo-0000418688 | ||
Vicia arietina | Deutschl. Fl. ed. 2, 9: 16 1901 | wfo-0000418692 | ||
Vicia aristata | Fl. Hautes -Pyrénées 287 1867 | wfo-0000418690 | ||
Vicia arvernensis | Bull. Soc. Bot. France 60(Sess. Extr.): cxciii 1920 | wfo-0000418691 | ||
Vicia astragaloides | Fl. Ross. 1: 637 1843 | wfo-0000418701 | ||
Vicia australis | Fl. Napol. 5: 112 1836 | wfo-0000418704 | ||
Vicia austroccidentalis | Florist. Rundbr. 38: 68 2004 | — | wfo-0000418706 | |
Vicia bactra | Collecteana 151 1806 | — | wfo-0000418707 | |
Vicia bequaerti | Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 13: Suppl. Bot. 24 Suppl. Bot. 24 1925 | — | wfo-0001056153 | |
Vicia bicolor | Hort. Bot. Hafn. Suppl.: 81 1819 | — | wfo-0000418667 | |
Vicia bipartita | Methodus 149 1794 | wfo-0000418586 | ||
Vicia bivonea | Précis Découv. Somiol. 37 1814 | wfo-0000418584 | ||
Vicia boetica | Prodr. 2: 365 1825 | wfo-0000418575 | ||
Vicia boetica | Consp. Fl. Eur. 209 1878 | wfo-0000418576 | ||
Vicia bogotensis | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 43: 395 1927 | wfo-0000418577 | ||
Vicia bohemica | Syst. Nat. 1110 1791 | — | wfo-0000418578 | |
Vicia brachyodonta | Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 27(2): 346 1910 | wfo-0000418574 | ||
Vicia branchitropis | Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 15: 412 1842 | — | wfo-0000418581 | |
Vicia broteriana | Prodr. 2: 357 1825 | wfo-0000418582 | ||
Vicia bythynica | Baier. Fl. 2: 262 1789 | wfo-0000418579 | ||
Vicia calycina | Fl. France 5: 241 1899 | wfo-0000418592 | ||
Vicia campestris | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 169 1866 | wfo-0000418593 | ||
Vicia canariensis | Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 72 1861 | wfo-0000418591 | ||
Vicia candolleana | Fl. Napol. 5: 111 1836 | wfo-0000418594 | ||
Vicia carnea | Ins. Cypern 386 1865 | wfo-0000418587 | ||
Vicia chilensis | Syn. Pl. 4: 1107 1846 | wfo-0000418589 | ||
Vicia chlorantha | Consp. Fl. Eur. 209 1878 | wfo-0000418573 | ||
Vicia chosenensis | Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 5: 182 1936 | wfo-0000418558 | ||
Vicia cilicia | Diagn. Pl. Orient. 9: 122 1849 | wfo-0000418560 | ||
Vicia claessensi | Rev. Zool. Bot. Africaines 13: Suppl. Bot. 25 Suppl. Bot. 25 1925 | — | wfo-0001056154 | |
Vicia closiana | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Chil. 62 1881 | wfo-0000418561 | ||
Vicia clymenum | Reise Russland 3: 306 1774 | wfo-0000418562 | ||
Vicia conspicua | Trans. Cambridge Philos. Soc. reimpr. 6: 22 1838 | wfo-0000418554 | ||
Vicia coris | Pl. Hort. Erlang. 156 1814 | wfo-0000418556 | ||
Vicia craccoides | Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 4: 184 1819 | — | wfo-0000418570 | |
Vicia crocea | Fl. U.S.S.R. 13: 425 425 1948 | — | wfo-0001061830 | |
Vicia cruenta | Bull. Soc. Bot. France 34: 368 1887 | — | wfo-0000418568 | |
Vicia culingiana | Gentes Herb. 33 33 | — | wfo-0001060774 | |
Vicia cuneiformis | Cat. Pl. Vasc. Indre-et-Loire 132 1908 | wfo-0000418571 | ||
Vicia dasycarpa | – | wfo-0000214373 | ||
Vicia davurica | Fl. Ross. 1: 674 1843 | wfo-0000418565 | ||
Vicia desertorum | Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 238 1822 | wfo-0000418567 | ||
Vicia diomedis | Consp. Fl. Eur. 210 1878 | wfo-0000418595 | ||
Vicia disticha | Enum. Syst. Pl. 27 1760 | wfo-0000418617 | ||
Vicia djimilensis | Fl. Orient. 2: 569 1872 | wfo-0000418618 | ||
Vicia douglasii | Amer. J. Sci. Arts 4: 66 1822 | wfo-0000418624 | ||
Vicia drymeja | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 167 1866 | wfo-0000418619 | ||
Vicia dubia | Observ. Bot. 149 1809 | wfo-0000418615 | ||
Vicia dumicola | Fl. Hautes -Pyrénées 288 1867 | wfo-0000418622 | ||
Vicia ecirrata | Anales Univ. Chile 84: 269 1894 | wfo-0000418620 | ||
Vicia ecirrhata | Anales Univ. Chile 84: 269 1893 | wfo-0000430589 | ||
Vicia erecta | Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 11: 402 1882 | wfo-0000418613 | ||
Vicia eriocalyx | Fl. Indicativa 270 2010 | wfo-0000750299 | ||
Vicia ervilla | Bot. Beob. 1783 179 1784 | — | wfo-0000418632 | |
Vicia erzurumica | Willdenowia 28: 154 1998 | wfo-0000418623 | ||
Vicia esdraclonensis | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 25: 352 1928 | wfo-0000418639 | ||
Vicia esdraelonica | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 63(1): 113 1931 | wfo-0000418640 | ||
Vicia excisa | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 169 1866 | wfo-0000418641 | ||
Vicia exstipulata | Reise Russland 3: 307 1774 | wfo-0000418645 | ||
Vicia fagonii | Hist. Pl. Pyrénées 419 1813 | wfo-0000418638 | ||
Vicia fauriac | Bull. Annuel Soc. Philom. Paris VII, 10: 139 1886 | — | wfo-0000418644 | |
Vicia fernandezi | Treb. Mus. Cienc. Nat. Barcelona 15: Ser. Bot. No. I, 50 Ser. Bot. No. I 1931 | — | wfo-0001056161 | |
Vicia ferruginea | Pl. Hort. Erlang. 156 1814 | wfo-0000418642 | ||
Vicia fimbriata | Fl. Orient. 2: 237 1872 | wfo-0000418626 | ||
Vicia fischeri | Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 2: 763 1841 | wfo-0000418627 | ||
Vicia flavida | Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 4: 20 1853 | wfo-0000418628 | ||
Vicia fleischeri | Fl. Orient. 2: 592 1872 | wfo-0000418629 | ||
Vicia foetens | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 103 1782 | wfo-0000418633 | ||
Vicia fontanesiana | Consp. Fl. Eur. 207 1878 | wfo-0000418625 | ||
Vicia formosa | Izv. Tomsk. Gosud. Univ. 81: 486 1928 | — | wfo-0000418634 | |
Vicia forsteri | Fl. Centre France ed. 3, 2: 172 1857 | wfo-0000418635 | ||
Vicia frutescens | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 104 1782 | wfo-0000418636 | ||
Vicia garinensis | Ann. Bot. Fenn. 48: 280 2011 | wfo-0000750293 | ||
Vicia gayi | Linnaea 28: 623 1857 | wfo-0000418598 | ||
Vicia gerardi | Fl. Austriac. 3: 16 16 | — | wfo-0001055267 | |
Vicia gerardi | Bull. Soc. Agric. Orleans 1: 281 (Not. 43) 281 1810 | — | wfo-0001055268 | |
Vicia gerardi | Hist. Pl. Dauph. 1: 256 256 | — | wfo-0001055269 | |
Vicia gerardi | Fl. Berol. Prod. 239 239 | — | wfo-0001055270 | |
Vicia giraudiasi | Fl. France 5: 247 247 1899 | — | wfo-0001056150 | |
Vicia graccha | Reise Russ. Reich. 3: 42 42 | wfo-0001055271 | ||
Vicia gracile | – | — | wfo-0001220322 | |
Vicia grandifolia | – | — | wfo-0001220384 | |
Vicia grenieri | Fl. France 5: 235 1899 | wfo-0000418606 | ||
Vicia guyoti | Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 11: 133 133 1919 | — | wfo-0001056152 | |
Vicia guyoti | Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève II, 11: 133 1919 publ. 1920 | — | wfo-0000418612 | |
Vicia halleri | Inst. Rei Herb. 2: 30 1766 | wfo-0000418605 | ||
Vicia hatschbachii | Hickenia 3: 171 2003 | wfo-0000418044 | ||
Vicia hedysaroides | Fl. Ross. 1: 672 1843 | wfo-0000418608 | ||
Vicia helvetica | Prodr. 2: 361 1825 | wfo-0000418609 | ||
Vicia heptajuga | Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 31: 66 1952 | wfo-0000418610 | ||
Vicia hetoropus | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 39: 438 1889 | — | wfo-0000418601 | |
Vicia hexameri | Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 17: 231 1859 | wfo-0000418602 | ||
Vicia hirsutissima | Fl. Napol. 5: 119 1836 | — | wfo-0000418603 | |
Vicia hookeriana | Repert. Bot. Syst. 1: 715 1842 | wfo-0000418604 | ||
Vicia hookeriana | Repert. Bot. Syst. 8 1833 | — | wfo-0000418742 | |
Vicia hungarica | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 8: 26 1858 | wfo-0000418843 | ||
Vicia imbricata | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 104 1782 | wfo-0000418838 | ||
Vicia jauberti | Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 12: 71 71 1860 | — | wfo-0001055274 | |
Vicia jeniseensis | Fl. Ross. 1: 672 1843 | wfo-0000418849 | ||
Vicia jordanovii | Phytol. Balcan. 8: 3 2002 | wfo-0000418851 | ||
Vicia keatingii | Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 2: 764 1841 | wfo-0000418852 | ||
Vicia kitaibelii | Consp. Fl. Eur. 206 1878 | wfo-0000418853 | ||
Vicia kurdica | Feddes Repert. 121: 81 2010 | — | wfo-0000745997 | |
Vicia laevigata | Engl. Bot. 7: t. 483 1798 | — | wfo-0000418846 | |
Vicia lagopus | Nouv. Mat. Fl. Atl. 1: 193 1874 | — | wfo-0000418847 | |
Vicia leganyana | Magyar Bot. Lapok 18: 55 1919 | wfo-0000418841 | ||
Vicia lentiformis | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 168 1866 | wfo-0000418825 | ||
Vicia lentoides | Stud. Veg. Cypr. 114 1914 | wfo-0000418826 | ||
Vicia leptantha | Anales Univ. Chile 84: 267 1894 | wfo-0000418827 | ||
Vicia leptocarpa | Atti Acc. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania II, 14: 51 1858 | wfo-0000418830 | ||
Vicia leptophylla | Caratt. Nuov. Gen. 71 1810 | wfo-0000418828 | ||
Vicia lerchenfeldiana | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 168 1866 | wfo-0000418823 | ||
Vicia leyboldii | Linnaea 33: 51 1864 | — | wfo-0000418832 | |
Vicia loiseaui | Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 78: 144 2009 | wfo-0000744992 | ||
Vicia longidentata | Acta Phytotax. Sin. 34: 431 1996 | wfo-0000418885 | ||
Vicia longifolia | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 169 1866 | wfo-0000418886 | ||
Vicia longifolia | Encycl. 8: 557 1808 | wfo-0000418887 | ||
Vicia loweana | Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 2: 764 1841 | wfo-0000418881 | ||
Vicia ludoviciana | Fl. N. Amer. 1(2): 271 271 1838 | wfo-0001055278 | ||
Vicia luganensis | Cat. Pl. Helv. ed. 3: 31 1815 | wfo-0000418884 | ||
Vicia lunata | Fl. Orient. 2: 594 594 1872 | wfo-0001055279 | ||
Vicia lusitanica | Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 542 1893 | wfo-0000418879 | ||
Vicia lutescens | Cat. Pl. Amer. Sept. 68 1813 | wfo-0000418880 | ||
Vicia martini | Consp. Fl. Eur. 210 1878 | wfo-0000418894 | ||
Vicia mauritanica | Bull. Soc. Bot. France 36: ccxx 1889 | — | wfo-0000418895 | |
Vicia media | Fl. Austriaca 2: 335 1827 | wfo-0000418898 | ||
Vicia michelli | J. Bot. Agric. 4: 269 269 1814 | wfo-0001055280 | ||
Vicia militans | Stirp. Austr. Fasc. ed. 2: 388 1769 | — | wfo-0000418892 | |
Vicia minima | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 106 1782 | wfo-0000418890 | ||
Vicia minuta | Suppl. Meth. 50 1802 | wfo-0000418888 | ||
Vicia monadelpha | Catal. Bot. 2: 97 1800 | wfo-0000418876 | ||
Vicia monantha | – | — | wfo-0001254981 | |
Vicia montana | Syn. Fl. Germ. Helv. ed. 2: 215 1843 | wfo-0000418860 | ||
Vicia multicolorans | Florist. Rundbr. 38: 67 2004 | — | wfo-0000418856 | |
Vicia multiflora | Hist. Pl. Palat. 2: 807 1777 | wfo-0000418855 | ||
Vicia multiflora | Fl. Franç. 2: 560 1779 | wfo-0000418857 | ||
Vicia musquinez | Nomencl. Bot. 1: 882 1821 | wfo-0000418859 | ||
Vicia nataliae | Vieraea 27: 115 1999 | wfo-0000418873 | ||
Vicia nebrodensis | Consp. Fl. Eur. 210 1878 | wfo-0000418877 | ||
Vicia nigra | Nomencl. Bot. 1: 882 1821 | wfo-0000418875 | ||
Vicia nissoliana | Sp. Pl. 735 1753 | wfo-0000418865 | ||
Vicia nissolinana | Gerbor. 51 51 | — | wfo-0001055286 | |
Vicia nodosa | Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: t. 151 1791 | wfo-0000418866 | ||
Vicia nodosa | Prodr. 2: 365 1825 | wfo-0000418867 | ||
Vicia notata | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 105 1782 | wfo-0000418869 | ||
Vicia obcordata | Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2: 530 1832 | — | wfo-0000418870 | |
Vicia occulta | Hort. Brit. ed. 3: 184 1839 | wfo-0000418871 | ||
Vicia oliana | Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 44: 410 410 | — | wfo-0001056159 | |
Vicia onusta | Linnaea 14: 623 1841 | wfo-0000418756 | ||
Vicia oxphylla | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 167 167 1866 | — | wfo-0001055288 | |
Vicia oxyphylla | Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 167 1866 | wfo-0000418750 | ||
Vicia pallens | Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2: 529 1832 | — | wfo-0000418752 | |
Vicia pannonica subsp. striata | – | wfo-0000214223 | ||
Vicia paposana | Fl. Atacam. 15 1860 | wfo-0000418753 | ||
Vicia patula | Methodus 147 1794 | wfo-0000418762 | ||
Vicia peduncularis | Pl. Espont. Titag. 16 1864 | — | wfo-0000418764 | |
Vicia pedunculata | Linnaea 30: 80 1859 | wfo-0000418758 | ||
Vicia pedunculata | Reis. Russland 1: 195 1787 | — | wfo-0000418765 | |
Vicia pedunculata | Bull. Soc. Bot. Hort. Provence 3: 124 1881 | wfo-0000418766 | ||
Vicia pedunculata | Coup d'Oeil Fl. Toulon et d'Hyères 17 1891 | wfo-0000749534 | ||
Vicia pellucida | Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 2: 50 1797 | wfo-0000418763 | ||
Vicia perennis | Cat. Pl. Horti Monsp. 155 1813 | wfo-0000418806 | ||
Vicia perretii | Herb. Pedem. 2: 217 1834 | wfo-0000418807 | ||
Vicia peruviana | Darwiniana 17: 501 501 1972 | wfo-0001056087 | ||
Vicia pilisiensis | Cat. Cormophyt. Anthophyt. Serbiae 105 1877 | wfo-0000418794 | ||
Vicia pinardii | Diagn. Pl. Orient. 9: 120 1849 | — | wfo-0000418796 | |
Vicia piscidia | Prodr. 2: 379 1825 | — | wfo-0000418797 | |
Vicia pisicarpa | Cat. Pl. Yunnan 162 1916 | wfo-0000418793 | ||
Vicia platycarpos | Bot. Abh. Beobacht. 10 1787 | — | wfo-0000418798 | |
Vicia pliniana | Trudy Prikl. Bot. Suppl. 50: 73 1931 | wfo-0000418799 | ||
Vicia podocarpa | Fl. Orient. 2: 571 1872 | wfo-0000418801 | ||
Vicia polymorpha | Fl. Lorraine 1: 179 1843 | wfo-0000418810 | ||
Vicia polysperma | Fl. Neapol. Prodr. App. 5 22 1826 | — | wfo-0000418815 | |
Vicia pontica | Sp. Pl. 3: 1094 1802 | wfo-0000418816 | ||
Vicia porphyrea | Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2: 532 1832 | — | wfo-0000418817 | |
Vicia portosantana | Bull. Soc. Bot. France 59: 706 1912 publ. 1913 | wfo-0000418818 | ||
Vicia pratensis | Linnaea 14: 626 1841 | wfo-0000418819 | ||
Vicia produota | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 500 1901 | wfo-0000418820 | ||
Vicia pseudo-lutea | Verh. Naturf. Vereins Brünn 15(2): 189 189 1877 | wfo-0001055293 | ||
Vicia pseudo-sepium | Linnaea 18: 648 648 1844 | — | wfo-0001055294 | |
Vicia pseudohirsuta | Revista Sudamer. Bot. 5: 32 1936 publ. 1937 | wfo-0000418813 | ||
Vicia pseudovenosa | Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 37: 11 1923 | wfo-0000418809 | ||
Vicia punctata | Syn. Pl. 2: 307 1807 | wfo-0000418812 | ||
Vicia pusilla | Sp. Pl. 3: 1106 1802 | wfo-0000418777 | ||
Vicia pygmaea | Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève II, 26: 157 1936 | wfo-0000418779 | ||
Vicia pygmaea | Handbuch 2: 191 1831 | wfo-0000418802 | ||
Vicia radiata | – | — | wfo-0001239686 | |
Vicia ramosissima | J. Bot. (Morot) 4: 305 1890 | wfo-0000418780 | ||
Vicia raynaudii | J. Bot. Soc. Bot. France 28: 88 2004 | wfo-0000422519 | ||
Vicia remrevillensis | Chard. Nanc. 98 1835 | — | wfo-0000418774 | |
Vicia repens | Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 344 1822 | wfo-0000418781 | ||
Vicia retusa | Nomencl. Bot. ed. 2, 2: 764 1841 | wfo-0000418769 | ||
Vicia rifea | Campagn. Bot. 1930-1935: 109 1936 | wfo-0000418770 | ||
Vicia rigida | Stirp. Rar. Bucov. 50 1853 | wfo-0000418771 | ||
Vicia rosani | Fl. Napol. 5: 115 1836 | wfo-0000418772 | ||
Vicia rotundifolia | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 106 1782 | wfo-0000418768 | ||
Vicia salisii | Consp. Fl. Eur. 212 1878 | wfo-0000418775 | ||
Vicia sallei | Bull. Soc. Bot. France 13: cxlix 1866 | wfo-0000418776 | ||
Vicia scandeus | J. Bot. 33: 9 1895 | — | wfo-0000418783 | |
Vicia scepusiensis | Linnaea 32: 629 1864 | wfo-0000418784 | ||
Vicia scheuchzeri | Fl. Cur. 103 103 1874 | — | wfo-0001056143 | |
Vicia scheuzeri | Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens II, 31(Beil.): 45 1887-1888 publ. 1888 | — | wfo-0000418785 | |
Vicia seguenzae | Consp. Fl. Eur. 208 1878 | wfo-0000418787 | ||
Vicia semenowi | Trudy Glavn. Bot. Sada, n.s. 24: 245 245 | wfo-0001056144 | ||
Vicia semenowii | Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 24: 245 1905 | — | wfo-0000418788 | |
Vicia sennenii | Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 17: 136 1917 | wfo-0000418789 | ||
Vicia separia | Fl. Hautes -Pyrénées 287 1867 | wfo-0000418790 | ||
Vicia sericea | Methodus 147 1794 | wfo-0000418182 | ||
Vicia serrata | Oesterr. Bot. Z. 23: 80 1873 | wfo-0000418183 | ||
Vicia serrata | Escritos D. A. Larrañaga 2: 231 1923 | wfo-0000418184 | ||
Vicia sibirica | Herb. Pedem. 2: 216 1834 | wfo-0000418178 | ||
Vicia sinogigantea | in Fl. China 10: 566 2010 | wfo-0000745995 | ||
Vicia sitchensis | Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg Hist. Acad. 2: 129 1833 | wfo-0000418177 | ||
Vicia sparsifolia | Fl. N. Amer. 1: 270 1838 | — | wfo-0000418186 | |
Vicia spruneri | Diagn. Pl. Orient. 9: 119 1849 | wfo-0000418193 | ||
Vicia stabiana | Fl. Napol. 5: 112 1836 | wfo-0000418194 | ||
Vicia stricta | Cat. Arbr. Amer. 48 1783 | wfo-0000418196 | ||
Vicia subbiflora | Contr. Fl. Granada 17 1916 | — | wfo-0000418197 | |
Vicia syriaca | Bot. Beob. 1783 178 1784 | — | wfo-0000418188 | |
Vicia syriaca | Bot. Gart. Dorpat 162 1810 | wfo-0000418189 | ||
Vicia syrtica | Bot. Gall. ed. 2, 1: 151 1828 | — | wfo-0000418190 | |
Vicia talpa | Encycl. 8: 563 1808 | wfo-0000418191 | ||
Vicia tenoreana | Pl. Crit. Tarn 20 1862 | wfo-0000418165 | ||
Vicia tenorei | Comp. Fl. Ital. 2: 685 1886 | — | wfo-0000418166 | |
Vicia tenorei | Kul't. Fl. 4(2): 177 1999 | wfo-0000418167 | ||
Vicia tenorei | Fl. Ill. France 3: 68 1914 | — | wfo-0000418168 | |
Vicia tenorii | Fl. France Prosp. 3: 68 68 1914 | wfo-0001056162 | ||
Vicia tephrosioides | Linnaea 13: 32 1839 | wfo-0000417936 | ||
Vicia tetragona | Tabl. École Bot. ed. 3: 410 1829 | wfo-0000418159 | ||
Vicia thessaia | Fl. Orient. 2: 574 1872 | — | wfo-0000418162 | |
Vicia thessala | Fl. Orient. 2: 574 574 1872 | wfo-0001055299 | ||
Vicia thouinii | Pl. Hort. Erlang. 156 1814 | wfo-0000418163 | ||
Vicia timbali | Fl. Montpellier 187, 804 1876 | wfo-0000418161 | ||
Vicia tollenda | Deutschl. Fl. ed. 2, 9: 31 1901 | wfo-0000417938 | ||
Vicia tomentosa | Nomencl. Bot. 1: 883 1821 | — | wfo-0000417946 | |
Vicia torulosa | Fl. Orient. 2: 589 1872 | wfo-0000418169 | ||
Vicia torulosa | Tabl. École Bot. 196 1804 | wfo-0000418170 | ||
Vicia torulosa | Fl. Centre France ed. 3, 2: 173 1857 | wfo-0000418171 | ||
Vicia trichocalyx | Stirp. Sard. Elench. 3: 7 1829 | wfo-0000418172 | ||
Vicia trichomera | Bonplandia (Hannover) 9: 70 1861 | wfo-0000418173 | ||
Vicia tricuspidata | Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 29(2): 158 1856 | wfo-0000417945 | ||
Vicia trifoliata | Fl. Mexic. ed. 2: 168 1894 | wfo-0000418174 | ||
Vicia trifoliata | Cat. Arbr. Amer. 48 1783 | wfo-0000418175 | ||
Vicia trijuga | Index Seminum (B) 1853(App.): 13 1853 | wfo-0000417940 | ||
Vicia truncataula | Cat. Jard. Gorenki (ed. 2) 72 72 1812 | — | wfo-0001055305 | |
Vicia ucrainica | Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 3(1): 44 1874 | wfo-0000418223 | ||
Vicia uncinata | Fl. Germ. Excurs. 2: 530 1832 | — | wfo-0000418224 | |
Vicia uncinata | Consp. Fl. Eur. 210 1878 | wfo-0000418226 | ||
Vicia unguiculata | Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 37: 552 1883 | — | wfo-0000418227 | |
Vicia unijuga | Index Sem. (Berlin) 1853: 22 22 1853 | wfo-0001055306 | ||
Vicia uralensis | Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 87(8): 87 2002 | wfo-0000418228 | ||
Vicia variabilis | – | wfo-0000209613 | ||
Vicia variegat | Fl. Lit. Inch. 2: 103 103 1781 | — | wfo-0001055307 | |
Vicia venosissima | Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 27: 131 1913 | wfo-0000418221 | ||
Vicia versicolor | Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton 339 1796 | — | wfo-0000417947 | |
Vicia viciiformis | Mem. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 14: 447 1934 | — | wfo-0000417948 | |
Vicia villaris | Cat. Fl. Rif Orient. 148 1933 | wfo-0000417950 | ||
Vicia violacea | Fl. Hautes -Pyrénées 287 1867 | wfo-0000418234 | ||
Vicia virginica | Pl. Hort. Erlang. 156 1814 | wfo-0000418232 | ||
Vicia volkensii | Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C: 219 1895 | wfo-0000418230 | ||
Vicia willdenowiana | Fl. France 5: 228 1899 | wfo-0000418233 | ||
Vicia zabelii | Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 6(2): 949 1909 | wfo-0000418201 |