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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2022

Warning: older classification


Trichostomum Bruch

This genus name was first published in Flora 12: 396. 1829. Link to external nomenclature reference

At the time of this classification snapshot, this genus name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-4000039071.


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Synonyms of Trichostomum

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Oxystegus (Limpr.) Hilp. Beih. Bot. Centralbl., Abt. 2 50: 666. 1933. wfo-4000027594
Paraleptodontium D.G.Long J. Bryol. 12: 181. 1982. wfo-4000028063
Stephanodictyon Dixon J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 50: 86. 1935. wfo-4000036581

Species in Trichostomum ( ${pageIsLoading?'loading':'showing'} species ${currentlyShowingRangeFirst} to ${currentlyShowingRangeLast} of ${ totalPartsCount })

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link

Unplaced Names

These names are not yet placed in the taxonomy, but may be associated with Trichostomum:

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum aciculare var. aquaticum (Brid. ex Schrad.) F. Weber & D. Mohr ex Brid. Bryologia Universa. 1: 222. 1826 wfo-1200005949
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum alopecurum Schkuhr Deutschland's kryptogamische Gewächse. 2(2): 77. 1811 wfo-1000018508
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum angustifolium H.A.Crum & Steere Amer. Midl. Naturalist 60: 13 1958 wfo-0001160629
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum apiculatum R.Br.bis Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 29: 484. 41 f. 3 1897 wfo-0001160635
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum ardjunense M.Fleisch. Musci Buitenzorg 1: 340 1904 wfo-0001160642
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum barbula Schwägr. Species Muscorum Frondosorum, Supplementum Primum. 1: 144. 1811 wfo-1000018509
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum bericum (De Not.) De Not. Atti Reale Univ. Genova 1: 509 1869 wfo-0001160659
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum berteroanum Müll. Hal. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum omnium hucusque Cognitorum. 1: 568. 1849 wfo-1000018510
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum berteroi Müll. Hal. ex Kindb. Enumeratio Bryinearum Exoticarum: 78. 1888 wfo-1000018511
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum blumei Dozy & Molk. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3, 2: 316 1844 wfo-0001160664
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum borbonicum Een Lindbergia. 3: 217. 1976 wfo-1000018512
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum brachydontium var. brachydontium wfo-1200005950
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum brachydontium var. littorale (Mitt.) C.E.O. Jensen Förteckning över Skandinaviens Växter. 2. Mossor (Andra Upplagan): 25. 1937 wfo-1200005951
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum brotheri Renauld & Paris Rev. Bryol. 29: 79 1902 wfo-0001160682
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum bulbilliferum Herzog Memoranda Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 25: 48. 2, 3 1950 wfo-0001160685
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum canescens var. ericoides (Brid.) Hartm. Handbok i Skandinaviens Flora: 400. 1820 wfo-1200005952
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum cirrhatum Hampe Icones Muscorum Novorum vel Minus Cognitorum: pl. 28. 1844 wfo-1000018513
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum clintonii Müll.Hal. Linnaea 38: 636 1874 wfo-0001160715
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum cockaynii R.Br.bis Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 29: 486. 42 f. 8 1897 wfo-0001160716
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum conicum Hampe Syn. Musc. Frond. 1: 575 1849 wfo-0001160720
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum corticicola (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Hist. Phys. Madagascar, Mousses 203 1915 wfo-0001160726
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum crispulum var. armatum (Thér. & Trab.) Bizot Revue Bryologique et Lichénologique. 25: 270. 1956 wfo-1200005953
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum crispulum var. pseudocrispulum B.C. Tan & Ninh Acta Academiae Paedagogicae Agriensis, Sectio Biologiae, Nova Series. 24: 97. 2003 wfo-1200005954
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum curvifolium Brid. ex De Not. Syllabus Muscorum in Italia: 190. 1838 wfo-1000018514
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum cylindraceum Brid. Muscologiae Recentiorum Supplementum. 1: 230. 1806 wfo-1000018515
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum cylindrotheca (Mitt.) Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 394 1902 wfo-0001160744
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum decurvifolium Dixon J. Bot. 76: 227. 3 1938 wfo-0001160746
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum dicranelloides Schimp. ex Besch. Mémoires de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg. 16: 175. 1872 wfo-1000018516
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum ehrenbergii var. algeriae (Müll.Hal.) Paris Index Bryol. 1377 1898 wfo-0001160759
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum episemum Stirt. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 16(63): 178 1907 wfo-0001160764
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum epunctatum Müll. Hal. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum omnium hucusque Cognitorum. 1: 579. 1849 wfo-1000018517
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum etessei Broth. & Paris Oefvers. Förh. Finska Vetensk.-Soc. 48(15): 10 1906 wfo-0001160768
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum flavicans Müll. Hal. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum omnium hucusque Cognitorum. 1: 591. 1849 wfo-1000018518
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum flavipes Steud. Nomenclator Botanicus. 2: 421. 1824 wfo-1000018519
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum flavovirens var. crassinerve (Hampe) Lesq. & James Manual of the Mosses of North America: 110. 1884 wfo-1200005955
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum flexipes Bruch & Schimp. Bryologia Europaea. 2: 120. 1843 wfo-1000018520
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum fontinaloides Hedw. Sp. Musc. Frond. 114 1801 wfo-0001160790
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum gracile Hornsch. ex Fürnr. Flora 10(Erg. Bl.): 50 1827 wfo-0001160800
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum grossirete Broth. & Dixon J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 40: 444. 15–18 1912 wfo-0001160804
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum herzogii Ros, O. Werner & R.D. Porley Taxonomy. 2(1): 72. 2022 wfo-1000018521
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum heterostichum var. microcarpon (Hedw.) Wahlenb. Flora Suecica (Wahlenberg). 2: 751. 1826 wfo-1200005956
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum hypnoides Willd. ex P. Beauv. Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Paris. 1: 447. 1823 wfo-1000018522
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum latifolium var. laureri (Schultz) Huebener Muscologia Germanica: 292. 1833 wfo-1200005957
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum leptocarpum Müll. Hal. Genera Muscorum Frondosorum: 412. 1900 wfo-1000018523
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum leptotorella (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 394 1902 wfo-0001192574
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum leptotortuosum (Müll.Hal.) Broth. Nat. Pflanzenfam. I(3): 394 1902 wfo-0001192575
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum leucoloma Schwägr. Species Muscorum Frondosorum, Supplementum Primum. 2: 208. 1816 wfo-1000018524
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum ligulatum R.Br.bis New Zealand Inst. Bull. 29: 485. 42 f. 5 1897 wfo-0001192578
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum lingulatum Hook.f. & Wilson Fl. Nov.-Zel. 2: 71. 84 f. 4 1854 wfo-0001192585
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum luridum var. cuspidatum (Schimp.) Warnst. Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 27: 40 1885 wfo-0001192594
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum luridum var. intermedium R.Ruthe Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 27: 40 1885 wfo-0001192595
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum lutescens (Dicks.) P. Beauv. Prodrome des Cinquième et Sixième Familles de l'Aethéogamie: 91. 1805 wfo-1000018525
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum mediterraneum Müll.Hal. Rev. Bryol. 6: 33 1879 wfo-0001192601
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum mediterraneum var. algeriae Müll.Hal. Rev. Bryol. 6: 33 1879 wfo-0001192602
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum meridionale Ros, O. Werner & R.D. Porley Taxonomy. 2(1): 77. 2022 wfo-1000018526
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum minutifolium R.Br.bis Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 29: 484. 41 f. 2 1897 wfo-0001192609
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum mutabile subsp. cuspidatum (Braithw.) Podp. Conspectus Muscorum Europaeorum: 196. 1954 wfo-1200005958
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum mutabile subsp. littorale (Mitt.) Podp. Consp. Musc. Eur. 195 1954 wfo-0001192619
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum nervosum Bruch Flora 12: 396 1829 wfo-0001192628
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum noumeanum (Thér.) Thouvenot Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 39(3): 373. 2018 wfo-1000018527
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum obliquum Müll. Hal. Synopsis Muscorum Frondosorum omnium hucusque Cognitorum. 1: 594. 1849 wfo-1000018528
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum ovatum P. Beauv. Prodrome des Cinquième et Sixième Familles de l'Aethéogamie: 91. 1805 wfo-1000018529
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum pallidisetum var. philibertii (Schimp.) Cas.-Gil Fl. Ibér. Brióf., Musg. 349 1932 wfo-0001192650
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum pallidum Hedw. Sp. Musc. Frond. 108 1801 wfo-0001192651
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum philibertii Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) 175 1876 wfo-0001192672
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum polycarpum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 447 1823 wfo-0001192676
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum pulvinatum (Hedw.) F.Weber & D.Mohr Bot. Taschenbuch 109 1807 wfo-0001192682
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum reflexidens Hampe Linnaea 30: 625 1860 wfo-0001192696
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum rubellum (Huebener) Rabenh. Deutschlands Kryptogamen-Flora. 2(3): 115. 1848 wfo-1000018530
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum rubellum var. globosum (Nees & Hornsch.) Rabenh. Deutschl. Krypt.-Fl. 2(3): 116 1848 wfo-0001192713
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum searellii R.Br.bis Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 29: 484. 42 f. 4 1897 wfo-0001192730
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum soulae var. soulae wfo-1200005959
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum subulatum Bruch & Schimp. Bryologia Europaea. 2: 123. 182 (fasc. 18–20 Mon. 17. 13). 1843 wfo-1000018531
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum theriotii R.Br.bis Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 35: 331. 37 f. 15 1903 wfo-0001192778
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum tonghoueensis Thouvenot Cryptogamie, Bryologie. 42(13): 192. 2021 wfo-1000018532
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum tortella Müll.Hal. Linnaea 42: 319 1879 wfo-0001192785
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum tortile var. pusillum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. Bryologia Europaea. 2: 128. 1843 wfo-1200005960
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum tovarense Müll.Hal. Flora 83: 331 1897 wfo-0001192790
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum trifarium var. tophaceum (Brid.) Fior.-Mazz. Specimen Bryologiae Romanae. 2: 14. 1841 wfo-1200005961
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum undatum Schimp. Syn. Musc. Eur. (ed. 2) 180 1876 wfo-0001192802
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichostomum warnstorfii Limpr. Die Laubmoose Deutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz. 1: 587. 1888 wfo-1000018533