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Snapshots of the taxonomy

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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2023

Warning: older classification


Trichoglottis Blume

This genus name was first published in Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. : 359 (1825)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this genus name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-4000038990.


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Synonyms of Trichoglottis

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Ceratochilus Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. : 358 (1825) wfo-4000007348
Sarothrochilus Schltr. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 3: 50 (1906) wfo-4000034122
Staurochilus Ridl. ex Pfitzer Nat. Pflanzenfam. , Nachtr. 2: 16 (1900) wfo-4000036315
Stauropsis Rchb.f. Hamburger Garten- Blumenzeitung 17: 117 (1860) wfo-4000036323
Synptera Llanos Fragm. Pl. Filip. : 98 (1851) wfo-4000037324
Ventricularia Garay Bot. Mus. Leafl. 23: 210 (1972) wfo-4000040121
Atrichoglottis (Endl.) Wittst. Etym.-Bot.-Handw.-Buch 1: 84 (1852) wfo-4000047963

Species in Trichoglottis ( ${pageIsLoading?'loading':'showing'} species ${currentlyShowingRangeFirst} to ${currentlyShowingRangeLast} of ${ totalPartsCount })

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link

Unplaced Names

These names are not yet placed in the taxonomy, but may be associated with Trichoglottis:

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis ionosma J.J.Sm. ex Hayata Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 29: (195), japonice. 1915 wfo-0000327576
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis ionosmum Hayata Gen. Ind. Fl. Formos. 82 1917 wfo-0001255100
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis longifolia Atthan., C.Bandara, N.L.Bandara & Kumar Phytotaxa 567(1): 72. 2022 wfo-1000040877
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis najibii Yudistira & Mustaqim Telopea 26: 128 2023 wfo-1000051499
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis quadriga Atthan., C.Bandara, Peiris & Kumar Phytotaxa 609(4): 266 2023 wfo-1000051594
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Trichoglottis wedermannii Schltr. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 56(4): 496. 1921 [18 Feb 1921] wfo-0001223631