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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

Warning: older classification


Parietaria L.

This genus name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 1052 (1753)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this genus name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-4000028202.


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Synonyms of Parietaria

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Freirea Gaudich. Voy. Uranie : 502 (1830) wfo-4000015036
Helxine Bubani Fl. Pyren. 1: 76 (1897) wfo-4000017327
Nesobium Phil. ex Fuentes Revista Chilena Hist. Nat. 36: 160 (1932) wfo-4000025972
Thaumuria Gaudich. Voyage Monde Bot. 502. 1830. wfo-4000038098

Species in Parietaria ( ${pageIsLoading?'loading':'showing'} species ${currentlyShowingRangeFirst} to ${currentlyShowingRangeLast} of ${ totalPartsCount })

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link

Unplaced Names

These names are not yet placed in the taxonomy, but may be associated with Parietaria:

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria affinis Hornem. Hort. Bot. Hafn. (1850); ex Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd. Bat. ii. 250. wfo-0000473051
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria angustifolia Bojer Hortus Maurit. : 295 (1837) wfo-0000473073
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria australis var. australis wfo-0001393254
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria boehmerioides Mart. ex Miq. Fl. Bras. (Martius) 4(1): 194. 1853 [1 Dec 1853] wfo-0000473085
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria cretica Moris wfo-1000044959
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria lorifolia Lojac. Fl. Sicul. (Lojacono) 2(2): 352. 1907 wfo-0000473189
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria officinalis unr. elatior Clementi Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino ser. 2, 16: 323 1857 wfo-1200068044
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria platyphyllos Link ex Steud. Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. ii. 267 (Quid ?). wfo-0000473206
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Parietaria taiwaniana S.S.Ying New Taxa New Names 4: 221. 2021 wfo-1000028301