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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

Warning: older classification


Epidendrum L.

This genus name was first published in Sp. Pl., ed. 2. : 1347 (1763)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this genus name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-4000013590.


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Synonyms of Epidendrum

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Amblostoma Scheidw. Allg. Gartenzeitung 6: 383 (1838) wfo-4000001504
Coilostylis Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 37 (1838) wfo-4000008869
Didothion Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 39 (1838) wfo-4000011613
Diothonea Lindl. J. Bot. (Hooker) 1: 12 (1834) wfo-4000011865
Epidanthus L.O.Williams Bot. Mus. Leafl. 8: 148 (1940) wfo-4000013586
Epidendropsis Garay & Dunst. Venez. Orchids Ill. 6: 39 (1976) wfo-4000013588
Exophya Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2: 63 (1837) wfo-4000014474
Gastropodium Lindl. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15: 107 (1845) wfo-4000015384
Hemiscleria Lindl. Fol. Orchid. 4: 1 (1853) wfo-4000017424
Kalopternix Garay & Dunst. Venez. Orchids Ill. 6: 40 (1976) wfo-4000019809
Lanium (Lindl.) Benth. Hooker's Icon. Pl. 14: t. 1334 (1881) wfo-4000020558
Larnandra Raf. Neogenyton : 4 (1825) wfo-4000020609
Minicolumna Brieger Orchideen Beschreib. Kult. Zücht. , ed. 3, 8(29-32): 495 (1976) wfo-4000024344
Nanodes Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 18: t. 1541 (1832) wfo-4000025304
Neolehmannia Kraenzl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 478 (1899) wfo-4000025736
Neowilliamsia Garay Orchid Digest 41: 20 (1977) wfo-4000025891
Nyctosma Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2: 9 (1837) wfo-4000026414
Oerstedella Rchb.f. Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 932 (1852) wfo-4000026661
Physinga Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 24(Misc.): 32 (1838) wfo-4000029530
Pleuranthium (Rchb.f.) Benth. J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 312 (1881) wfo-4000030304
Pseudepidendrum Rchb.f. Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 10: 733 (1852) wfo-4000031371
Seraphyta Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 8: 24 (1840) wfo-4000035102
Spathiger Small Fl. Miami : 55 (1913) wfo-4000035889
Stenoglossum Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. 1: 355 (1816) wfo-4000036504
Takulumena Szlach. Orchidee (Hamburg) 57: 326 (2006) wfo-4000037464
Tritelandra Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2: 85 (1837) wfo-4000039386
Anocheile Hoffmanns. ex Rchb. Deut. Bot. Herb.-Buch : 235 (1841) wfo-4100002734
Phadrosanthus Neck. Elem. Bot. 3: 153 (1790) wfo-4100002843
Amphiglottis Salisb. Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 294 (1812) wfo-4100003107
Auliza Salisb. Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 294 (1812) wfo-4100003112
Spathium Stein Orchid.-Buch : 559 (1892) wfo-4100003226

Species in Epidendrum ( ${pageIsLoading?'loading':'showing'} species ${currentlyShowingRangeFirst} to ${currentlyShowingRangeLast} of ${ totalPartsCount })

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link

Unplaced Names

These names are not yet placed in the taxonomy, but may be associated with Epidendrum:

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum acinacisolium E.A.Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunsten 5: 14 1790 wfo-0001222182
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum acuntasiorum Hágsater, Chamaya, J.Duarte & Iberico Phytotaxa 625(1): 78 2023 wfo-1000056619
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum adenocarpon subsp. trachycarpa (Lindl.) Dressler & G.E.Pollard wfo-0001367120
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum albidum Vell. Fl. Flumin. 9: t. 35 (1831) wfo-0000949372
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum allardti Regel Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 268 (1877) wfo-0000949382
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum alsum Ridl. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2(13): 281. 1887 [Jul 1887] wfo-0001033471
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum alvaroperezii Hágsater, E.Santiago & J.Duarte Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1902. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043619
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum amictum Linden & Rchb.f. Bonplandia (Hannover) 3: 219 (1855) wfo-0000949426
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum anchicayanum Hágsater & Dodson wfo-0001232077
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum anchihuayense Hágsater & Rob.Fern. Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1904. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043631
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum angelguachisacae Hágsater & H.Medina Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1965 2023 wfo-1000051524
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum aphyllum Vell. Fl. Flumin. 9: t. 25 (1831) wfo-0000949470
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum apiculatum Rchb.f. Linnaea 41: 81 (1876) wfo-0000949472
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum apuahuensis Mansf. wfo-0001349300
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum articulatum Burm.f. Fl. Indica : 189 (1768) wfo-0000949499
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum assurgens Rchb.f. wfo-0001088834
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum auratum Batem. ex Gajon Sanchez Not listed by EH 44 1930 wfo-0001241814
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum auriculatum Klotzsch wfo-0001088835
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bicornialpicola Hágsater, Chamaya & Iberico Phytotaxa 625(1): 84 2023 wfo-1000056627
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bicornutum Mutel Mém. Soc. Roy. Centr. Agric. Dépt. N. 1835-1836: 87 (1837) wfo-1000054317
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bidentatum J.Koenig Observ. Bot. 6: 54 (1791) wfo-0000949568
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bispicatum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001222551
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum boucheanum Schltr. wfo-0001088836
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bouvartia Buc'hoz Herb. Color. Amerique t. 24. 1783 wfo-1000035785
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum brassavolifolium F.Lehm. & Kraenzl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 461 1898 wfo-0001088385
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum bredinianum Garay wfo-0001241815
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cabrerae J.M.H.Shaw & Idrees Orchid Rev. Suppl., 130(1338): 20. 2022 [Jun 2022] [Quart. Suppl. Int. Reg. Orchid Hybrids] wfo-1000049357
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum calanthus subsp. revertianum (Stehlé) Sastre Orchidophile (Asnières) no. 93: 156. 1990 wfo-0001367317
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum californicum Trel. wfo-0001350253
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum catenatum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001222686
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cavendishianum Bateman Orchid. Mexico Guatemala t. 3. 1837 wfo-0001352144
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum centralense E.Santiago, Hágsater, H.R.Quispe & Llacua Phytotaxa 603(1): 10 2023 wfo-1000050745
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum chocchawaicoense Hágsater & Edquén Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1908. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043632
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum chronoscriptum Hágsater wfo-0001273470
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cicadarium Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001222737
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cimanum Dodson wfo-0001088592
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum clovesianum V.P.Castro & M.M.L.L.Cardoso Icon. Orchid. Brasil. 3: t. 254 (2012) wfo-0001336025
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cochleatum subsp. triandra Ames Contr. Ames Bot. Lab. 1: 16. 1904 2612 wfo-0001367962
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum concalvii Barb.Rodr. wfo-0001088837
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum concinnum Steud. Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel] 299, sphalm. 1821 wfo-0001222795
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum coronantherum F.Lehm. & F.Kränzl. wfo-0001271450
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum crithmifolium Voigt Syll. Pl. Nov. 2: 52 (1826) wfo-0000949913
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum crucifolium Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 205 (1894) wfo-0000949917
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum crypterum Lindl. Not listed in IK. wfo-0001241817
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cuchumatanense Grajeda, M.L.Maldonado & Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1910. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043633
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum cumanday Sierra-Ariza & Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1911. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043634
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum dellense O'Brien Gard. Chron. , ser. 3, 9: 584 (1891) wfo-0000949964
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum dentatum Hágsater & E.Santiago Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1976 2023 wfo-1000051525
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum desmoueux Buc'hoz Herb. Color. Amerique t. 6. 1783 wfo-1000035784
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum difforme subsp. apaganum (Mansf.) Brieger Orchideen (Schlechter) 9(33-36): 522, without basionym ref. 1977 wfo-0001368636
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum diffusum var. depauperatum Cogn. Fl. Bras. 3(5): 155 (1898) wfo-0001388106
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum echinatiantherum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén PhytoKeys 227: 55 2023 wfo-1000049342
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ecuadorense Schltr. Not listed in IK. wfo-0001241818
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum edquenii Hágsater, E.Santiago & J.P.Arista Lankesteriana 23(2): 411 2023 wfo-1000057500
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum elegantulum J.H.Veitch Garden (London, 1871-1927) 49: 201 (1896) wfo-1000037194
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ellipticum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 203 (1894) wfo-0000950051
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum elprogresoense Hágsater, A.D.Gut. & L.A.Velásquez Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1977 2023 wfo-1000051526
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum emarginatum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 202 (1894) wfo-0000950055
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum emerginatum Raf. Fl. Tellur. 4: 37 1838 wfo-0001237684
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum endresio-wallisii Anon. Rev. Hort. (Paris) 67: 250 (1895) wfo-1000053795
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum flavovirens Regel Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 1855: 19 (1855) wfo-0000950138
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum forgetianum Anon. Gard. Chron. , ser. 3, 13: 752 (1893) wfo-1000053797
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum fornicatum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 205 (1894) wfo-0000950157
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum fraudulentum Rchb.f. Gard. Chron. , n.s., 25: 648 (1886) wfo-0000950165
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum fredmulleri Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1912. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043635
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum frons var. bovis Kraenzl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 1: 181. 1905 wfo-0001401517
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum frumentaceum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001222993
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum funckianum A.Rich. & Galeotti Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. , sér. 3, 3: 21 (1845) wfo-0000950183
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum geraldii Brade wfo-0001349160
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum giganteum Lindl. Stevens's Auction Cat. 1853(19-20 May): n.° 26 (1853) wfo-1000054377
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum glaucospermum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001223031
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum gracilisimum Rchb.f. wfo-0001241819
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum gransabanensis Carnevali & I.Ramírez Novon 13(4): 407–409, f. 2 2003 wfo-0001270351
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum gransabanensis Carnevali & I.Ramírez Novon 13: 407 2003 wfo-0001286548
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum gravidum Ames Schedul. Orchid. 4: 42 (1923) wfo-0000950269
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum guaitaranum Hágsater, Reina-Rodr. & J.F.Torres Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1913. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043636
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum gudinoi Dodson & Hágsater wfo-0001226837
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum guesnelianum hort. wfo-0001088841
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum hageri Hágsater wfo-0001273469
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum hastilabium Linden ex Bosse Vollst. Handb. Bl.-Gärtn. , ed. 2, 5: 165 (1854) wfo-1000054380
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum havanense Lodd. ex W.H.Baxter Suppl. Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 544, nomen. 1850 ; third additional suppl. to Loudon's Hortus Britannicus published in new ed. [4], cited in IK as 'Hort. Brit. Suppl. iii.'. wfo-0001223110
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum heilbornii Schltr. wfo-0001241820
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum herbaceum Lodd. ex W.H.Baxter Suppl. Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 544, nomen. 1850 ; third additional suppl. to Loudon's Hortus Britannicus published in new ed. [4], cited in IK as 'Hort. Brit. Suppl. iii.'. wfo-0001223118
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum hodgeana Beckner wfo-0001220290
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum huamboense Hágsater, A.D.Gut. & Edquén Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1914. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043616
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum hyalinisthmi Hágsater, E.Santiago & Olórtegui Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1915. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043650
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum hymenocaule Lindl. wfo-0001088843
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum icthyphyllum Ames wfo-0001349909
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum iguapensis Schltr. Anexos Mem. Inst. Butantan, Secc. Bot. 1(4): 61 1922 wfo-0001088844
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum illei Schltr. wfo-0001088845
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum imazaense Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén PhytoKeys 227: 60 2023 wfo-1000049343
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum infundibuliforme Hágsater & Villaf. Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1979 2023 wfo-1000051527
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ionopsis hort. ex Gentil Pl. Cult. Serres Jard. Bot. Brux. 82 (1907), nomen. wfo-0001223168
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum itacolomiensis E.M.Pessoa & L.G.Pedrosa Syst. Bot. 47(4): 938. 2022 [12 Dec 2022] [epublished] wfo-1000044378
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum jaguariahyvae Kraenzl. wfo-0001241821
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum juncifolium L. Sp. Pl., ed. 2. : 1351 (1763) wfo-0000950447
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum lamellatum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 206 (1894) wfo-0000950488
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum leptotifolium Schltr. wfo-0001241822
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum libanense Sierra-Ariza & Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1981 2023 wfo-1000051528
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum lictii Mutel Mém. Soc. Roy. Centr. Agric. Dépt. N. 1835-1836: 86 (1837) wfo-1000052673
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum lindleyanum var. centerae (Endrés & Rchb.f.) Veitch wfo-0001391979
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum llave Lindl. wfo-0001088846
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum longibulbon Lodd. ex W.H.Baxter Suppl. Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 544, nomen. 1850 ; third additional suppl. to Loudon's Hortus Britannicus published in new ed. [4], cited in IK as 'Hort. Brit. Suppl. iii.'. wfo-0001223243
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum longiflorum J.Koenig Observ. Bot. 6: 55 (1791) wfo-0000950586
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum longiflorum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 206 (1894) wfo-0000950588
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum luerorum Hágsater wfo-0001264751
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum luetzelburgii Sandt. ex Luetzelb. Estud. Bot. Nordeste Braz. iii. 204 (1923) [Insp. Fed. Obras Secc. Publ. 57],nomen; cf. Gray Herb. Card Cat., Issue 151. wfo-0001223256
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum lyratum Vell. Fl. Flumin. 9: t. 37 (1831) wfo-0000950615
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum machetatum Oesterr. Orchideen 30: 16 1943 wfo-0001241823
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum manuel-lucasianum Archila & Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1923. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043651
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum marbicornutum Eaton Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 220 1860 wfo-0001241824
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum mayarum Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1926. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043652
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum megalosphatum Rchb.f. wfo-0001350367
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum micron Vell. Fl. Flumin. 9: t. 41 (1831) wfo-0000950711
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum monorhyza Rchb.f. wfo-0001088609
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum monostachyum Pav. wfo-0001241826
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum monroeanum Lodd. ex W.H.Baxter Suppl. Hort. Brit. [Loudon] 544, nomen. 1850 ; third additional suppl. to Loudon's Hortus Britannicus published in new ed. [4], cited in IK as 'Hort. Brit. Suppl. iii.'. wfo-0001223312
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum monteverdense Hágsater wfo-0001265085
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum multibulbe Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 15. 1790 wfo-0001223329
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum multiflora Rchb.f. Not listed in IK. wfo-0001088848
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum narinense Hágsater, Reina-Rodr. & J.F.Torres Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1927. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043653
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum nervosum Lam. Encycl. 1: 186 (1783) wfo-0000950820
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum nervosum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 203 (1894) wfo-0000950819
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum noctirufescens Hágsater & Cadena Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1987 2023 wfo-1000051529
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum nudum J.Koenig Observ. Bot. 6: 52 (1791) wfo-0000950842
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum nutans Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 204 (1894) wfo-0000950844
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum obrienianum Rolfe Gard. Chron. , ser. 3, 3: 770 (1888) wfo-0000950860
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum obtrullatum Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1928. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043654
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ochrostachyum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén PhytoKeys 227: 65 2023 wfo-1000049344
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum osoanum Oesterr. Orchideen 29: 257 1978 wfo-0001241810
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ovalifolium Lindl. Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. : 104 (1831) wfo-0000950918
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum ovatilabium Hágsater, E.Santiago & Edquén Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1930. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043655
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pacholguitarum Ordóñez-Blanco, E.Santiago & Hágsater Icon. Orchid. 19(3): t. 1989 2023 wfo-1000051530
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pallidum Courtois Mag. Hort. (Liége) 1: 256 (1833) wfo-0000950951
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pandianum Oesterr. Orchideen 29: 257 1978 wfo-0001241811
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum paniculatum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 204 (1894) wfo-0000950969
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum parvireflexilobum Hágsater, J.P.Arista & Edquén PhytoKeys 227: 70 2023 wfo-1000049345
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum paxtonianum Steud. Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 558. wfo-0001223475
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pervianum A.D.Hawkes wfo-0001349969
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum petacaense Hágsater, J.Duarte & Pío-León Phytotaxa 592(2): 82 2023 wfo-1000047157
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pichinchalobium Hágsater & Dodson wfo-0001088850
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pluricostatum Hágsater, Reina-Rodr. & J.Duarte Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1933. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043656
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum polystachion Thouars Hist. Orchid. Tabl. 3, in clavi. 1822 wfo-0001223526
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum porphyrospilum Rchb.f. Linnaea 41: 80 (1876) wfo-0000951110
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pseudobarbeyanum Pupulin & Karremans Selbyana 30(2): 196–199, f. 2A–F, 4B 2010 wfo-0001039331
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pseudopygmaea (Finet) Hamer & Garay wfo-0001349201
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pugionatum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001223552
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum pulchellum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 204 (1894) wfo-0000951169
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum puninnocturnum Hágsater & J.Duarte Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1934. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043658
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum quimiense Lapo-Gonzalez, M.M.Jiménez & Vélez-Abarca Phytotaxa 650(2): 186 2024 wfo-1000065348
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum racemosum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 15. 1790 wfo-0001223573
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum radicans var. obrienianum (Rolfe) Tadgell Vict. Naturalist 62 1946 wfo-0001392056
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum randianum Barb.Rodr. Orchid.-Buch 237 1892 wfo-0001241828
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum resupinatum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 202 (1894) wfo-0000951243
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum retrolobatum Hágsater, Chamaya, J.Duarte & Iberico Phytotaxa 625(1): 81 2023 wfo-1000056621
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum rioazufrense Sierra-Ariza, Hágsater & E.Santiago Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1936. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043660
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum rodigasianum hort. ex Gentil Pl. Cult. Serres Jard. Bot. Brux. 82 (1907), nomen. wfo-0001223590
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum roseobicirrhatum Hágsater & Hirtz Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1937. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043661
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum rosulatum Hágsater, E.Santiago, J.P.Arista & Edquén PhytoKeys 227: 76 2023 wfo-1000049346
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum rupiculum Cogn. 1900 wfo-0001349265
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sanctae var. martae Schltr. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 7: 148. 1920 wfo-0001401696
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sancti var. ramoni Kraenzl. Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zürich 74: 137. 1929 wfo-0001401697
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sanguineum Schltr. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 7: 147 (1920) wfo-0000951322
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum saururus Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 14. 1790 wfo-0001223613
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum scandens Karremans, Chinchilla & Rojas-Alv. Phytotaxa 626(4): 291 2023 wfo-1000057082
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum scedreoleus Ames wfo-0001088593
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum schizostele Hágsater, J.S.Moreno & E.Santiago Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1940. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043662
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sehuencanense Dodson & Vásquez wfo-0001251183
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sierrae var. peladae Kraenzl. Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 7: 439. 1920 wfo-0001401707
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum spicatum Rojas Acosta Cat. Hist. Nat. Corrientes : 83 (1897) wfo-0000951435
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum stenopetalum Knowles & Westc. Fl. Cab. 2: 175 (1838) wfo-0000951459
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum subaquilinum Rchb.f. Ann. Bot. Syst. (Walpers) 6(8): 1167, sphalm. 1865 [Jul-Dec 1865] wfo-0001221772
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum subviride Rolfe wfo-0001241830
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum sulfureum Morren Ann. Soc. Roy. Agric. Gand 4: 300 1848 wfo-0001241831
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum tagaeri-taromenane Hágsater, E.Santiago & J.J.Donoso Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1943. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043663
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum tapantiense Hágsater wfo-0001273473
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum tesseloides Steud. Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. i. 558. wfo-0001221802
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum tessulatum Noronha Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunst. 5(Art. 4): 15. 1790 wfo-0001221807
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum triginum Linden ex Lindl. Orchid. Linden. 9. 1846 [Nov-Dec 1846] wfo-0001351633
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum trigoniflorum Turton Gen. Syst. Nat. 6(Veg. Kingdom 2): 1508, 1511. 1806 wfo-1200009721
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum tripetalum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 205 (1894) wfo-0000951625
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum turbinatum Lex. Nov. Veg. Descr. 2(Orchid. Opusc.): 41 (1825) wfo-0000951645
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum uraguayensis Garay wfo-0001241808
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum vaccinioides Rchb.f. ex Linden Ill. Hort. xxix. (1882) 51, nomen. wfo-0001221885
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum vanillum St.-Lag. Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon vii. (1880) 125. wfo-0001221888
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum veracrucense Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 203 (1894) wfo-0000951697
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum verrucosum var. myrianthus (Lindl.) Ames & Correll wfo-0001392710
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum vesicolumna Hágsater, E.Santiago & Edquén Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1944. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043664
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum violaceum Jacq. Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. : 230 (1763) wfo-0000951726
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum virgatum Vell. Fl. Flumin. 9: t. 40 (1831) wfo-0000951736
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum viridiflavum Hágsater & J.D.Medina Icon. Orchid. 19(1): t. 1945. 2022 [3 Mai 2022] (epublished) wfo-1000043665
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum viridiflorum Sessé & Moc. Fl. Mexic. , ed. 2: 203 (1894) wfo-0000951741
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum vulcanitungurahuae Hágsater & E.Santiago Lankesteriana 23(2): 416 2023 wfo-1000057501
The editorial status of this taxon is Unplaced Epidendrum xipheroides Kraenzl. Gard. Chron. , ser. 3, 20: 63 (1896) wfo-0000951783