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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Lithops optica (Marloth) N.E.Br.

This species name was first published in in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 71: 80. 1922.

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0001435540.

Synonyms of Lithops optica (Marloth) N.E.Br.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Lithops rubra (Tischer) N.E.Br. in Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 79: 116. 1926. wfo-0000360419
Lithops elevata L.Bolus Notes Mesembryanthemum 2: 345. 1932. wfo-0000361263
Mesembryanthemum marginatum Haw. Observ. Mesembryanthemum 2: 412. 1795. wfo-0000370224
Mesembryanthemum opticum Marloth in Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 1: 405. 1910. wfo-0000370855
Lithops optica f. optica wfo-0001293549
Lithops optica f. rubra (Tischer) H.Jacobsen Sukkulent.: 148. 1933. wfo-0001435541
Lithops optica var. nova Triebner Handb. Sukkulent. Pfl. 3: 1488. 1955. wfo-0001435542
Lithops optica var. rubra (Tischer) Tischer in Möller's Deutsche Gärtn.-Zeitung 41: 330. 1926. wfo-0001435543
Lithops schlechteri G.D.Rowley wfo-0001435581
Mesembryanthemum opticum var. rubrum Tischer in Z. Sukkulentenk. 2: 65. 1925. wfo-0001435803