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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Tillandsia aeranthos (Loisel.) Desf.

This species name was first published in Tabl. École Bot. , ed. 3: 426 (1829)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0001218747.

Synonyms of Tillandsia aeranthos (Loisel.) Desf.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Anoplophytum aeranthos (Loisel.) Beer Fam. Bromel. : 40 (1856) wfo-0000340154
Anoplophytum dianthoideum (G.Rossi) Beer Fam. Bromel. : 41 (1856) wfo-0000340162
Anoplophytum roseum Beer Fam. Bromel. : 40 (1856) wfo-0000340178
Pourretia aeranthos Loisel. Herb. Gén. Amat. 5: t. 304 (1821) wfo-0000501895
Tillandsia aeranthos var. aemula Strehl Iheringia, Bot. 54: 21 (2000) wfo-0000573828
Tillandsia aeranthos var. alba Strehl & G.Rohde Bromélia 5: 77 (1998 publ. 1999) wfo-0000573838
Tillandsia aeranthos var. rosea Strehl Iheringia, Bot. 54: 22 (2000) wfo-0000573848
Tillandsia microxiphion Baker Bot. Mag. 116: t. 7320 (1893) wfo-0000581510
Tillandsia unca Griseb. Abh. Königl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen 19: 273 (1874) wfo-0000586253
Tillandsia aeranthos var. albobracteata Strehl Divulg. Mus. Ci. Tecnol. UBEA/PUCRS 9: 28 (2004) wfo-0000806682
Tillandsia aeranthos var. flava Strehl Divulg. Mus. Ci. Tecnol. UBEA/PUCRS 9: 28 (2004) wfo-0000806683
Tillandsia bicolor Brongn. Voy. Monde , Phan.: 185 (1834) wfo-0001218750
Tillandsia dianthoidea G.Rossi Cat. Pl. Hort. Modoet. : 79 (1826) wfo-0001232236