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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

Warning: older classification


Cotoneaster affinis Lindl.

This species name was first published in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13: 101 (1821)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0001008746.

Synonyms of Cotoneaster affinis Lindl.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Cotoneaster griffithii G.Klotz Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 19: 340 (1970) wfo-0000987486
Cotoneaster royleanus Booth ex Schltdl. Linnaea 27: 546 (1854) wfo-0000988963
Cotoneaster nevadensis Dippel Handb. Laubholzk. 3: 415 (1893) wfo-0000988964
Cotoneaster affinis var. typicus C.K.Schneid. Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 757 (1906) wfo-0000988975
Cotoneaster parvifolius (Hook.f.) Panigrahi & Arv.Kumar Bull. Bot. Surv. India 28: 67 (1986 publ. 1988) wfo-0000990363
Cotoneaster obtusus Wall. ex Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 15: t. 1229 (1830) wfo-0000995418
Cotoneaster confusus G.Klotz ex Arv.Kumar & Panigrahi Bull. Bot. Surv. India 31: 108 (1989 publ. 1992) wfo-0001000681
Cotoneaster confusus G.Klotz Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 19: 340 (1970) wfo-0001002457
Cotoneaster racemiflorus var. royleanus Dippel Handb. Laubholzk. 3: 415 (1893) wfo-0001002639
Cotoneaster affinis var. bacillaris (Wall. ex Lindl.) C.K.Schneid. Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 757 (1906) wfo-0001003449
Cotoneaster lindleyi C.K.Schneid. Ill. Handb. Laubholzk. 1: 757 (1906) wfo-0001006824
Pyrus confusa (G.Klotz) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 101 (2018) wfo-0001008637
Cotoneaster bacillaris var. affinis (Lindl.) Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2: 385 (1878) wfo-0001016530
Mespilus affinis (Lindl.) D.Don Prodr. Fl. Nepal. : 238 (1825) wfo-0001016531
Cotoneaster bacillaris Wall. ex Lindl. Edwards's Bot. Reg. 15: t. 1229 (1830) wfo-0001018070
Cotoneaster transens G.Klotz Wiss. Z. Friedrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 17: 337 (1968 publ. 1969) wfo-0001018335
Cotoneaster affinis f. bacillaris (Wall. ex Lindl.) Zamyatnin Trees & Shrubs USSR 3: 365 (1954) wfo-0001322085
Cotoneaster bacillaris var. obtusus (Wall. ex Lindl.) Dippel Handb. Laubholzk. 3: 418 (1893) wfo-0001381917
Pyrus affinis (Lindl.) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 94 (2018) wfo-1000006556
Pyrus bacillaris (Wall. ex Lindl.) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 96 (2018) wfo-1000006612
Pyrus obtusa (Wall. ex Lindl.) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 114 (2018) wfo-1000007053
Pyrus royleana (Dippel) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 118 (2018) wfo-1000007164
Pyrus transens (G.Klotz) M.F.Fay & Christenh. Global Fl. 4: 123 (2018) wfo-1000007274
Cotoneaster royleanus (Dippel) J.Fryer & B.Hylmö Cotoneasters : 65 (2009) wfo-1200075200
Cotoneaster bacillaris var. parvifolius Hook.f. Fl. Brit. India 2: 385 (1878) wfo-1200076517
Cotoneaster affinis var. obtusus (Wall. ex Lindl.) Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. 7: 458 (1933) wfo-1200085837
Cotoneaster frigidus var. affinis (Lindl.) Wenz. Linnaea 38: 193 (1874) wfo-1200085841
Cotoneaster orbicularis var. royleanus (Dippel) G.Klotz Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Math.-Naturwiss. Reihe 6: 967 (1957) wfo-1200085855
Cotoneaster bacillaris var. obtusus Franch. Pl. Delavay. : 222 (1890) wfo-1200092008