As classified in WFO snapshot
December 2024
latest classification for this taxon
Potentilla nivea
This species name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 499 (1753)
At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0001005538.
Synonyms of Potentilla nivea
Name | Author | Protologue | Nomenclator | WFO link |
Potentilla nivea subsp. nivea | – | – | — | wfo-0000984437 |
Potentilla nivea var. macrantha | Fl. Ross. 2: 57 (1843) | — | wfo-0000984673 | |
Potentilla macrantha | Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg Hist. Acad. 5: 541 (1812 publ. 1815) | wfo-0000987805 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. dissecta | Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 559 (1873) | wfo-0000988100 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. quinquefolia | Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 23: 302 (1896) | wfo-0000988171 | ||
Potentilla dryophylla | Fl. Ross. 2: 58 (1843) | wfo-0000991033 | ||
Potentilla fragariifolia | Fl. Ross. 2: 57 (1843) | wfo-0000991036 | ||
Fragaria nivea | Inst. Rei Herb. 2: 179 (1766) | wfo-0000996865 | ||
Potentilla jezoensis | Candollea 44: 752 (1989) | wfo-0000998291 | ||
Potentilla jamesoniana | Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 3: 416 (1821) | wfo-0001001960 | ||
Potentilla michoacana | Monogr. N. Amer. Potent. 2: 44 (1898) | wfo-0001004801 | ||
Potentilla flabellifolia subsp. matsumurae | Biblioth. Bot. 16(71): 508 (1908) | — | wfo-0001005040 | |
Potentilla matsuokana | Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 161 (1902) | wfo-0001005508 | ||
Potentilla concinna var. dissecta | Phytologia 4: 89 (1952) | wfo-0001005784 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. vulgaris | Linnaea 2: 21 (1827) | — | wfo-0001005799 | |
Potentilla nivea var. alpina | Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 375 (1843) | wfo-0001006053 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. tomentosa | Bot. Not. 1945: 134 (1945) | wfo-0001006258 | ||
Potentilla nivea subsp. chionodes | Suom. Elain-ja Kasvit. Seuran Van. Tiedon. Pöytäkirjat 2: 25, 30 (1947 publ. 1949) | wfo-0001006265 | ||
Potentilla quinquefolia | Monogr. N. Amer. Potent. 2: 76 (1898) | wfo-0001006270 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. pallidior | Summa Veg. Scand. : 19 (1814) | — | wfo-0001007152 | |
Potentilla nivea var. yuparensis | Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 16: 2 (1939) | — | wfo-0001009808 | |
Potentilla prostrata subsp. prostrata | – | – | — | wfo-0001009946 |
Potentilla fissuralis | Fl. Srednei Sibiri 1: 290 (1957) | — | wfo-0001014071 | |
Potentilla hemicryophila | – | — | wfo-0001014072 | |
Potentilla nivea f. arctica | Linnaea 2: 21 (1827) | wfo-0001324414 | ||
Potentilla nivea f. unifoliolosa | Naturaliste Canad. 94: 631 (1967) | wfo-0001324415 | ||
Potentilla uniflora subsp. arctica | Suom. Elain-ja Kasvit. Seuran Van. Tiedon. Pöytäkirjat 2: 27 (1947 publ. 1949) | wfo-0001359680 | ||
Potentilla nivea subsp. fallax | Bot. Southeast. Yukon : 226 (1951) | wfo-0001367809 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. major | Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 374 (1843) | wfo-0001380690 | ||
Potentilla villosa var. unifoliolosa | Fl. Alaska Yukon : 1032 (1946) | wfo-0001396248 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. incisa | Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 375 (1843) | wfo-0001398638 | ||
Potentilla saximontana var. dissecta | Thaiszia 16: 49 (2006) | wfo-0001400008 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. petiolulata | Konspekt Fl. Pober. Baĭkal : 212 (1966) | wfo-0001400405 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. insularis | Fl. Centr. Sibiri 2: 568 (1979) | wfo-0001402468 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. niveiformis | Fl. Arct. URSS 9(1): 321 (1984) | wfo-0001402477 | ||
Potentilla nivea var. pentaphylla | Fl. Baical.-Dahur. 1: 375 (1843) | wfo-1200075224 | ||
Potentilla nivea prol. vulgaris | Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 6(1): 704 (1904) | — | wfo-1200075724 | |
Potentilla nivea var. camtschatica | Linnaea 2: 21 (1827) | — | wfo-1200077625 | |
Potentilla nivea var. canotomentosa | Sert. Tiansch. : 45 (1869) | — | wfo-1200077626 | |
Potentilla nivea var. concolor | Gen. Hist. 2: 550 (1832) | — | wfo-1200077627 | |
Potentilla nivea var. floribunda | Index Seminum (HBG, Hamburgensis) 1850: 12 (1850) | — | wfo-1200077628 | |
Potentilla nivea var. genuina | Fl. Ajan. : 85 (1858) | — | wfo-1200077629 | |
Potentilla nivea var. hirsuta | Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 15: 94 (1863 publ. 1864) | — | wfo-1200077630 | |
Potentilla nivea var. intermedia | Fl. Ajan. : 85 (1858) | — | wfo-1200077631 | |
Potentilla nivea f. multiflora | Nov. Stirp. Pug. 9: 69 (1851) | — | wfo-1200077632 | |
Potentilla villosa var. gracilior | Fl. Ross. 2: 58 (1843) | — | wfo-1200077955 | |
Potentilla nivea f. alpina | Biblioth. Bot. 16(71): 236 (1908) | — | wfo-1200092584 | |
Potentilla nivea var. concolor | Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 8: 559 (1873) | — | wfo-1200092585 | |
Potentilla nivea f. incisa | Biblioth. Bot. 16(71): 239 (1908) | — | wfo-1200092586 | |
Potentilla nivea f. major | Biblioth. Bot. 16(71): 236 (1908) | — | wfo-1200092589 | |
Potentilla nivea var. polyphylla | Acta Phytotax. Sin. 32: 483 (1994) | — | wfo-1200092590 | |
Potentilla nivea var. prostrata | Fl. Scand. Prodr. : 97 (1779) | — | wfo-1200092591 | |
Potentilla nivea unr. vulgaris | Fl. Ross. 2: 57 (1843) | — | wfo-1200092594 |