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December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Aegilops neglecta Req. ex Bertol.

This species name was first published in Fl. Ital. 1: 787 (1834)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000841503.

Synonyms of Aegilops neglecta Req. ex Bertol.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Aegilops mesantha Gand. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 82 (1881) wfo-0000841479
Aegilops mixta Sennen Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 20: 122 (1920) wfo-0000841481
Aegilops neglecta subsp. contracta (Eig) H.Scholz Willdenowia 19: 105 (1989) wfo-0000841504
Aegilops neglecta subsp. recta (Zhuk.) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 240 (1980) wfo-0000841505
Aegilops neglecta var. contorta (Zhuk.) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 240 (1980) wfo-0000841506
Aegilops neglecta var. ochreata (Zhuk.) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 240 (1980) wfo-0000841508
Aegilops neglecta var. quadriaristata (Eig) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 240 (1980) wfo-0000841509
Aegilops neglecta var. trojana (Eig) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 240 (1980) wfo-0000841510
Aegilops ovata L. Sp. Pl. : 1050 (1753) wfo-0000841513
Aegilops ovata Roth Ann. Bot. (Usteri) 4: 41 (1793) wfo-0000841514
Aegilops ovata subsp. triaristata (Bluff, Nees & Schauer) Rouy Fl. France 14: 333 1913 wfo-0000841524
Aegilops ovata var. latiaristata Lange Pug. Pl. Hispan. : 56 (1860) wfo-0000841537
Aegilops ovata var. triaristata Bluff, Nees & Schauer Comp. Fl. German. ed. 2, 1: 209 1836 wfo-0000841544
Aegilops ovata var. virescens (Jord. & Fourr.) Rouy Fl. France 14: 332. 1913 wfo-0000841549
Aegilops ovata var. vulgaris Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 144 (1929) wfo-0000841550
Aegilops algeriensis Gand. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 81 (1881) wfo-0000841569
Aegilops calida Gand. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 81 (1881) wfo-0000841607
Aegilops campicola Gand. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 82 (1881) wfo-0000841608
Aegilops fausii Sennen ex Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 142, in syn. 1929 wfo-0000841688
Aegilops geniculata var. latiaristata (Lange) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91: 241 (1980) wfo-0000841703
Aegilops gussonei Link Linnaea 17: 388 (1844) wfo-0000841707
Aegilops recta (Zhuk.) Chennav. Acta Horti Gothob. 23: 165 (1960) wfo-0000841811
Aegilops triaristata Willd. Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 943 (1806) wfo-0000841865
Aegilops triaristata f. kabylica Trab. Fl. Algérie , Monocot.: 241 (1895) wfo-0000841867
Aegilops triaristata subsp. attenuata E.Schiem. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 47: 177 (1929) wfo-0000841868
Aegilops triaristata subsp. contorta Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 479 (1928) wfo-0000841869
Aegilops triaristata subsp. contracta Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 141 (1929) wfo-0000841871
Aegilops triaristata subsp. elongata E.Schiem. Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 47: 177 (1929) wfo-0000841872
Aegilops triaristata subsp. intermixta Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 479 (1928) wfo-0000841873
Aegilops triaristata subsp. quadriaristata Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 140 (1929) wfo-0000841874
Aegilops triaristata subsp. recta Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 478 (1928) wfo-0000841875
Aegilops triaristata var. brachychaeta Font Quer Treb. Mus. Ci. Nat. Barcelona, Sèr. Bot. 5: 54 (1924) wfo-0000841876
Aegilops triaristata var. hirtula Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 480 (1928) wfo-0000841877
Aegilops triaristata var. macrochaeta E.Mey. Pflanzenbau 3: 303 (1927) wfo-0000841879
Aegilops triaristata var. ochreata Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 480 (1928) wfo-0000841880
Aegilops triaristata var. quadriaristata Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 140 (1929) wfo-0000841881
Aegilops triaristata var. trojana Eig Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève , sér. 2, 19: 2 (1927 publ. 1928) wfo-0000841883
Aegilops triaristata var. vulgaris Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 140 (1929) wfo-0000841884
Aegilops viridescens Gand. Oesterr. Bot. Z. 31: 81 (1881) wfo-0000841968
Frumentum ovatum (L.) E.H.L.Krause Bot. Centralbl. 73: 339 (1898) wfo-0000872671
Triticum neglectum (Req. ex Bertol.) Greuter Boissiera 13: 171 (1967) wfo-0000906171
Triticum ovatum (L.) Raspail Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 435 (1825) wfo-0000906187
Triticum ovatum var. triaristatum (Bluff, Nees & Schauer) Stoj. & Stef. Fl. Bulg. 1: 168 (1924) wfo-0000906199
Triticum rectum (Zhuk.) Bowden Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. 8: 135 (1966) wfo-0000906269
Triticum sylvestre Bubani Fl. Pyren. 4: 395 (1901) wfo-0000906417
Triticum triaristatum (Bluff, Nees & Schauer) Godr. & Gren. Fl. France Corse 3: 602 (1856) wfo-0000906445
Aegilops contracta (Eig) H.Scholz Willdenowia 37: 211 (2007) wfo-0000908536
Aegilops geniculata var. latiarista (Lange) K.Hammer Feddes Repert. 91(4): 241 1980 wfo-0001098090
Triticum ovatum var. triaristatum (Willd.) Schmalh. Flora 2: 662 1897 wfo-0001099497
Frumentum ovata E.H.L.Krause Bot. Centralbl. 73: 339 (1898) wfo-0001328822
Aegilops fausii Sennen Bull. Soc. Bot. France 69: 91 (1922) wfo-1000038292
Aegilops triaristata subsp. typica Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 140 (1929) wfo-1200012995
Aegilops ovata subsp. euovata Eig Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 55: 143 (1929) wfo-1200013027
Aegilops ovata var. trispiculata Trab. Fl. Algérie , Monocot.: 107 (1895) wfo-1200013362
Aegilops ovata var. typica Zhuk. Trudy Prikl. Bot. 18: 474 (1928) wfo-1200013378
Aegilops triaristata var. intermedia Tod. Index Seminum (PAL, Panormitani) 1866: 32 (1866) wfo-1200013465
Aegilops ovata subvar. subbiaristata Trab. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32: 398 (1886) wfo-1200033082
Aegilops triaristata subvar. robusta Trab. Fl. Alger : 208 (1884) wfo-1200033085
Aegilops triaristata subvar. subbiaristata Trab. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 32: 398 (1886) wfo-1200033086