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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Phillyrea angustifolia L.

This species name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 7 (1753)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000817995.

Synonyms of Phillyrea angustifolia L.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Olea angustifolia (L.) Salisb. Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton : 13 (1796) wfo-0000817287
Phillyrea minor Zumagl. Fl. Pedem. 1: 73 (1849) wfo-0000817643
Phillyrea conferta Stokes Bot. Comm. 1: 23 (1830) wfo-0000817931
Phillyrea emporitana Sennen Fl. Catalunya : 115 (1917) wfo-0000817935
Phillyrea mandonis Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-0000817936
Phillyrea mixta Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-0000817941
Phillyrea lanceolata (Aiton) Steud. Nomencl. Bot. 1: 611 (1821) wfo-0000817948
Phillyrea lowei DC. Prodr. 8: 293 (1844) wfo-0000817950
Phillyrea brachiata (Aiton) Stokes Bot. Comm. 1: 26 (1830) wfo-0000817989
Phillyrea benitoi Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-0000817991
Phillyrea rosmarinifolia Mill. Gard. Dict., ed. 8. : n.° 7 (1768) wfo-0000818073
Phillyrea angustifolia var. lanceolata Aiton Hort. Kew. 1: 11 (1789) wfo-0000820345
Phillyrea angustifolia var. rosmarinifolia (Mill.) Aiton Hort. Kew. 1: 11 (1789) wfo-0000820346
Phillyrea angustifolia var. brachiata Aiton Hort. Kew. 1: 12 (1789) wfo-0000820347
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. aloysii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 50 (1929) wfo-0000820946
Phillyrea angustifolia var. acuminata Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 50 (1929) wfo-0000820947
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. gabrielis Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-0000820948
Phillyrea angustifolia var. bianoris Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-0000820949
Phillyrea angustifolia var. dentifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820951
Phillyrea rosmarinifolia var. viridifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820952
Phillyrea rosmarinifolia var. minorifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52, 60 (1929) wfo-0000820953
Phillyrea angustifolia var. ferreri Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820954
Phillyrea angustifolia var. eliasii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820955
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. crassipetiolata Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820956
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. baui Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820957
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. myrtifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-0000820958
Phillyrea angustifolia var. stenophylla Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-0000820999
Phillyrea angustifolia var. batlloana Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-0000821000
Phillyrea angustifolia var. spinescens Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-0000821001
Phillyrea angustifolia var. santamariae Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-0000821002
Phillyrea angustifolia var. rubricarinata Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-0000821005
Phillyrea angustifolia var. rierae Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821006
Phillyrea angustifolia var. curtifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821007
Phillyrea angustifolia var. lancifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821008
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. albertii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821009
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. duatorum Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821010
Phillyrea angustifolia var. bernardii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 49 (1935) wfo-0000821011
Phillyrea angustifolia var. apiculata Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821012
Phillyrea angustifolia var. affinis Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821013
Phillyrea angustifolia var. theodori Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821015
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. battandieri Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821016
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. marotii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821017
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. lempergii Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821018
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. dodei Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821019
Phillyrea angustifolia subsp. longicuneata Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 50 (1935) wfo-0000821020
Phillyrea angustifolia f. brevifolia Pau Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 29: 230 (1900) wfo-0000821076
Phillyrea mirtifolia Sennen Exsicc. (Pl. Espagne) 1924: n.° 5035 (1925) wfo-1000037721
Phillyrea angustifolia var. brevifoliamacrocarpa Sennen & Elías Exsicc. (Pl. Espagne) 1921: n.° 5181 (1922) wfo-1200019382
Phillyrea mucronata var. linearis Tausch Flora 14: 642 (1831) wfo-1200019400
Phillyrea vulgaris var. angustifolia (L.) Caruel Prodr. Fl. Tosc. : 444 (1860) wfo-1200019406
Phillyrea angustifolia var. strictissima Sennen Exsicc. (Pl. Espagne) 1924: n.° 5034 (1925) wfo-1200019432
Phillyrea variabilis var. angustifolia (L.) Parl. Fl. Ital. 8: 159 (1888) wfo-1200019443
Phillyrea media var. angustifolia (L.) Rchb.f. Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. , ed. 2, 17: 21 (1855) wfo-1200019448
Phillyrea angustifolia var. densifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1935: 48 (1935) wfo-1200019461
Phillyrea angustifolia subvar. minorifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-1200037305
Phillyrea angustifolia subvar. parvifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-1200037306
Phillyrea angustifolia subvar. strictissima Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 51 (1929) wfo-1200037337
Phillyrea angustifolia subvar. macrocarpa Sennen & Elías Exsicc. (Pl. Espagne) 1921: n.° 5181 (1922) wfo-1200037382
Phillyrea rosmarinifolia var. brachiata Aiton Hort. Kew. 1: 12 (1789) wfo-1200037385
Phillyrea angustifolia subvar. brevifolia Sennen Bull. Soc. Dendrol. France 1929: 52 (1929) wfo-1200037417
Phillyrea angustifolia var. brevifolia Sennen & Elías Exsicc. (Pl. Espagne) 1924: n.° 5180 (1925) wfo-1200037454
Phillyrea angustifolia f. rosmarinifolia (Mill.) Schelle Handb. Laubholzben. : 416 (1903) wfo-1200037494