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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Taxodium distichum var. imbricatum (Nutt.) Croom

This variety name was first published in Cat. Pl. New Bern ed. 2: No. 3048 1837  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this variety name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000735839.

Synonyms of Taxodium distichum var. imbricatum (Nutt.) Croom

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Thuja lineata Poir. Encycl. Suppl. 5: 303. (1817) wfo-0000407788
Taxodium microphyllum Brongn. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 30: 182. (1833) wfo-0000408599
Taxodium ascendens Brongn. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 30: 182. (1833) wfo-0000408601
Taxodium lineatum (Poir.) Druce Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 650. (1917) wfo-0000456328
Taxodium distichum var. microphyllum (Brongn.) Parl. Prodr. 16(2): 441. (1868) wfo-0000459644
Taxodium distichum var. nutans (Aiton) Sweet Hort. Brit. 327. (1827) wfo-0000459647
Taxodium imbricatum (Nutt.) R.M.Harper Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29: 283. (1902) wfo-0000459652
Cupressus disticha var. imbricata Nutt. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. n.s., 5: 163. (1835) wfo-0000630633
Cupressus imbricata Nutt. ex Gordon Pinetum 307. (1858) wfo-0000630689
Glyptostrobus lineatus (Poir.) Druce Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4: 624. (1917) wfo-0000704722
Glyptostrobus pendulus (J.Forbes) Endl. Syn. Conif. 71. (1847) wfo-0000704723
Taxodium sinense var. pendulum J.Forbes Pinet. Woburn. 180. (1839) wfo-0000735793
Taxodium distichum var. pendulum (J.Forbes) Carrière Traité Gén. Conif. ed. 2: 182. (1867) wfo-0000735837
Taxodium ascendens var. nutans (Aiton) Rehder Man. Cult. Trees 25. (1927) wfo-0000735838
Taxodium distichum var. ascendens (Brongn.) Mast. J. Hort. Soc. London 14: 248. (1892) wfo-0000735841
Taxodium distichum var. fastigiatum Knight ex Carrière Traité Gén. Conif. 145. (1855) wfo-0000735842
Taxodium distichum f. pendulum (J.Forbes) Beissn. Handb. Nadelholzk. 152. (1891) wfo-0000737280
Taxodium ascendens var. pendulum (J.Forbes) C.K.Schneid. Uns. Freil.-Nadelhölzer 274. (1913) wfo-0000737286
Taxodium ascendens f. nutans (Aiton) Rehder J. Arnold Arbor. 7: 22. (1926) wfo-0000911104
Cupressus disticha var. pendula John M.Mill. Bristol Nurs. 7. (1826) wfo-0000918989
Cuprespinnata disticha var. pendula (J.Forbes) J.Nelson Pinaceae 62. (1866) wfo-0000918991
Taxodium distichum var. nutans Carrière Traité Gén. Conif. 1: 183. (1867) wfo-0001248245
Taxodium distichum var. microphyllum (Brongn.) Carrière Traité Gén. Conif. 148. (1855) wfo-0001267984