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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

Warning: older classification


Gossypium arboreum L.

This species name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 693 (1753)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000707825.

Synonyms of Gossypium arboreum L.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Xylon indicum Medik. Malvenfam. : 43 (1787) wfo-0000428226
Gossypium albiflorum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 26 (1863) wfo-0000707816
Gossypium anomalum G.Watt Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1926(8): 321. [24 Sep 1926] wfo-0000707820
Gossypium arboreum var. cernuum (Tod.) Hutch. & Ghosh Indian J. Agric. Sci. 7: 248 1937 wfo-0000707826
Gossypium arboreum var. wightianum (G.Watt) M.R.Almeida Fl. Maharashtra 1: 106 (1996) wfo-0000707827
Gossypium asiaticum Raf. Sylva Tellur. : 16 (1838) wfo-0000707832
Gossypium bani (G.Watt) Prokh. Bot. Zhurn. S.S.S.R. 32: 69 (1947) wfo-0000707842
Gossypium cernuum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 31 (1863) wfo-0000707883
Gossypium comesii Sprenger Bull. Soc. Tosc. Ortic. 14: 308 (1889) wfo-0000707887
Gossypium figarei Tod. Relaz. Cult. Coton. : 12 (1877) wfo-0000707908
Gossypium glabratum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 69 (1863) wfo-0000707915
Gossypium gracile Salisb. Prodr. Stirp. Chap. Allerton : 385 (1796) wfo-0000707920
Gossypium indicum Lam. Encycl. 2: 134 (1786) wfo-0000707963
Gossypium intermedium Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 41 (1863) wfo-0000707964
Gossypium macranthum Tod. Relaz. Cult. Coton. : 11 (1877) wfo-0000708000
Gossypium nanking Meyen Observ. Bot. 2: 323 (1835) wfo-0000708016
Gossypium nanking var. bani G.Watt Wild Cult. Cotton 131 1907 wfo-0000708017
Gossypium neglectum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 35 (1863) wfo-0000708018
Gossypium obtusifolium Roxb. ex G.Don Gen. Hist. 1: 487 (1831) wfo-0000708026
Gossypium obtusifolium var. wightiana G.Watt Wild Cult. Cotton : 143 (1907) wfo-0000708028
Gossypium perennans Delile ex Roberty Candollea 7: 357 (1938) wfo-0000708039
Gossypium puniceum Fenzl Ecl. Pl. Rar. 2: 7 (1844) wfo-0000708064
Gossypium roseum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 22 (1863) wfo-0000708077
Gossypium roxburghii Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 45 (1863) wfo-0000708079
Gossypium royleanum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 40 (1863) wfo-0000708081
Gossypium rubicundum Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. : 55 (1834) wfo-0000708082
Gossypium rubrum Forssk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. : 88 (1775) wfo-0000708083
Gossypium sanguineum Hassk. Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 12: 98 (1845) wfo-0000708087
Gossypium soudanense G.Watt Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1926: 201 (1926) wfo-0000708097
Gossypium vaupelii J.Graham Cat. Pl. Bombay : 15 (1839) wfo-0000708127
Gossypium wattianum S.Y.Hu Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 153: 65 (1955) wfo-0000708137
Gossypium wightianum Tod. Giorn. Reale Ist. Incoragg. Agric. Sicilia , ser. 3, 1: 47 (1863) wfo-0000708138
Hibiscus albiflorus Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 68 (1891) wfo-0000722257
Hibiscus cernuus Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 68 (1891) wfo-0000722414
Hibiscus nangking Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 68 (1891) wfo-0000722831
Gossypium arboreum f. vaupellii (J.Graham) Roberty Candollea 13: 46 1950 wfo-0000740879
Gossypium arboreum var. obtusifolium (Roxb. ex G.Don) Roberty Candollea 13: 38 1950 wfo-0000740881
Gossypium obtusifolium Roxb. Hort. Bengal. 51; Fl. Ind. iii. 183. wfo-0001077633
Gossypium arboreum var. arboreum wfo-0001078115
Gossypium arboreum var. nangking (Meyen) Roberty wfo-0001281699
Gossypium arboreum var. paradoxum Prokh. wfo-0001281700
Gossypium herbaceum var. obtusifolium (Roxb.) Mast. wfo-0001281701
Gossypium herbaceum var. wightianum (Tod.) T.Cooke Fl. Bombay 1(1): 116. 1901 [Jul 1901] wfo-1200009877
Gossypium nanking f. rubicundum (Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.) Roberty wfo-1200097541
Gossypium arboreum subsp. sanguineum (Hassk.) Roberty wfo-1200097542
Gossypium arboreum f. neglectum (Tod.) Roberty wfo-1200097543
Gossypium arboreum f. rubrum (Forssk.) Roberty wfo-1200097544
Gossypium arboreum f. albiflorum (Tod.) Roberty wfo-1200097545
Gossypium roseum var. albiflorum Tod. wfo-1200097634
Gossypium wightianum var. wightianum Tod. wfo-1200097635
Gossypium wightianum var. pallidum Tod. wfo-1200097636
Gossypium wightianum var. pubescens Tod. wfo-1200097637
Gossypium arboreum var. indicum (Lam.) Roberty wfo-1200097704
Gossypium nanking var. soudanense G.Watt wfo-1200098106