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Snapshots of the taxonomy

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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2023

Warning: older classification


Nolina juncea (Zucc.) J.F.Macbr.

This species name was first published in Contr. Gray Herb. 56: 16 (1918)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000698299.

Synonyms of Nolina juncea (Zucc.) J.F.Macbr.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Nolina hartwegiana (Kunth) Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 3: 371 (1884) wfo-0000698722
Pincenectitia gracilis K.Koch & Fintelm. Wochenschr. Gärtnerei Pflanzenk. 2: 112 (1859) wfo-0000717390
Roulinia longifolia (Benth.) Brongn. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. , sér. 2, 14: 320 (1840) wfo-0000732402
Beaucarnea hartwegiana (Kunth) Baker J. Bot. 10: 327 (1872) wfo-0000761335
Cordyline longifolia Benth. Pl. Hartw. : 53 (1840) wfo-0000764269
Dasylirion junceum Zucc. Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 4(2): 19 (1845) wfo-0000765062
Dasylirion hartwegianum Zucc. Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 4(2): 22. 1846 [1844-1846 publ. 1846] wfo-0001226743