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As classified in WFO snapshot

March 2019

Warning: older classification


Androsace maxima L.

This species name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 141 (1753) Link to external nomenclature reference

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000534676.

Synonyms of Androsace maxima L.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Primula maxima (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 400 1891 Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000483733
Androsace maxima var. longifrons Borbás Tud. Tanulm. Eredm. 2: 380 1900 wfo-0000534680
Androsace maxima var. macrantha Bunge ex R.Knuth Pflanzenr. IV, 237: 212 1905 wfo-0000534681
Androsace maxima var. micrantha Bunge ex R.Knuth Pflanzenr. IV, 237: 213 1905 wfo-0000534682
Androsace maxima var. stricta Bunge ex R.Knuth Pflanzenr. IV, 237: 212 1905 wfo-0000534683
Androsace maxima subsp. turczaninovii (Freyn) Fed. in Fl. Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR 5: 77 1981 Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000534684
Androsace maxima f. uniflora Bunge ex R.Knuth Pflanzenr. IV, 237: 213 1905 wfo-0000534685
Androsace tauscheri Gand. Soc. Agric. Pyrénées-Orientales 22: 445 1876 wfo-0000534875
Androsace torrepandoi Gand. Soc. Agric. Pyrénées-Orientales 22: 444 1876 wfo-0000534885
Androsace turczaninowii Freyn Oesterr. Bot. Z. 40: 157 1890 Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000534889
Aretia maxima (L.) Bubani Fl. Pyren. 1: 219 1897 Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000546955

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Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link