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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2023

Warning: older classification


Ranunculus cantoniensis DC.

This species name was first published in Prodr. 1: 43 (1824) Link to external nomenclature reference

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000461683.

Synonyms of Ranunculus cantoniensis DC.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Ranunculus fibrosus Wall. Numer. List [Wallich] n. 4706. 1831 Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000460567
Ranunculus trilobatus D.Don Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 194. 1825 [26 Jan-1 Feb 1825] Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000461455
Ranunculus chinensis Bunge Enum. Pl. China Bor. : 3 (1833) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000461711
Ranunculus napaulensis DC. Prodr. 1: 39 (1824) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000462837
Ranunculus sceleratiformis Raikova Bot. Mater. Gerb. Glavn. Bot. Sada R.S.F.S.R. 4: 171 (1923) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000463299
Ranunculus riparius Edgew. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 28 (1846) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000463353
Ranunculus pennsylvanicus subsp. napaulensis (DC.) Riedl Kew Bull. 34: 264 (1979) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000463436
Ranunculus pennsylvanicus subsp. riparius (Edgew.) Riedl Kew Bull. 34: 264 (1979) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000463437
Ranunculus polycephalus Makino J. Jap. Bot. 7: 31 (1931) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000463514
Adonis pilosa Raeusch Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 3: 162 (1797) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000521262
Hecatonia pilosa Lour. Fl. Cochinch. : 303 (1790) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000716553
Ranunculus pensylvanicus var. chinensis (Bunge) Maxim. Enum. Pl. Mongolia 23 1889 wfo-0000742315
Ranunculus brachyrhynchus Chien Rhodora 18: 189 (1916) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0001130312