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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Lappula marginata Gürke

This species name was first published in Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 107 (1894)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000361636.

Synonyms of Lappula marginata Gürke

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Lappula subsemiglabra (Popov) Popov Fl. URSS 19: 432 (1953) wfo-0000361488
Lappula skorpili Druce Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 630 (1917) wfo-0000361498
Lappula semiglabra (Ledeb.) Gürke Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 107 (1894) wfo-0000361615
Lappula cymosa B.Fedtsch. Rastitel'n. Turkestana : 663 (1915) wfo-0000361665
Lappula patula Asch. ex Gürke Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] iv. 3a (1803) 107. wfo-0000361696
Lithospermum patulum Gand. Contr. Fl. Terr. Slav. Merid. 1: 22 (1883) wfo-0000361931
Lappula redowskii var. patula A.Nelson & J.F.Macbr. Bot. Gaz. 61: 39 (1916) wfo-0000367558
Myosotis marginata M.Bieb. Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 1: 120 (1808) wfo-0000368504
Rochelia patula Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 4: 781 (1819) wfo-0000401527
Rochelia marginata Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 4: 110 (1819) wfo-0000401542
Rochelia squarrosa Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 4: 111 (1819) wfo-0000402740
Cynoglossospermum caspicum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 437 (1891) wfo-0000633851
Cynoglossospermum marginatum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 437 (1891) wfo-0000633868
Cynoglossospermum patulum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 437 (1891) wfo-0000633873
Cynoglossospermum semiglabrum Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 437 (1891) wfo-0000633877
Cynoglossum patulum E.H.L.Krause Deutschl. Fl. Abbild. , ed. 2, 11: 33 (1903) wfo-0000634172
Echinospermum brachysepalum Claus Beitr. Pflanzenk. Russ. Reiches 8: 240 (1851) wfo-0000662436
Echinospermum caspium Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Index Seminum (LE, Petropolitanus) 5: 34 (1839) wfo-0000662450
Echinospermum marginatum Lehm. Pl. Asperif. Nucif. : 130 (1818) wfo-0000662506
Echinospermum patulum Lehm. Pl. Asperif. Nucif. : 124 (1818) wfo-0000662525
Echinospermum semiglabrum Ledeb. Fl. Altaic. 1: 204 (1829) wfo-0000662542
Echinospermum skorpili Velen. Fl. Bulg. , Suppl. 1: 206 (1898) wfo-0000662547
Lappula marginata subsp. patula (Lehm.) Soó Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 23: 382 (1977 publ. 1978) wfo-0001363699
Lappula semiglabra var. heterocaryoides Popov ex Ching J.Wang Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 1(4): 83 (1981) wfo-0001388176