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As classified in WFO snapshot

December 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G.Sm.

This species name was first published in Novon 5: 101 (1995)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000341690.

Synonyms of Bolboschoenus glaucus (Lam.) S.G.Sm.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Bolboschoenus macrostachys (Willd.) Grossh. Fl. Kavkaza 1: 145 (1928) wfo-0000341694
Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. macrostachys (Willd.) Soják Čas. Nár. Mus., Odd. Přír. 152: 19 (1983) wfo-0000341704
Bolboschoenus maritimus subsp. tuberosus (Desf.) T.Koyama Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 31: 148 (1980) wfo-0000341708
Scirpus glaucus Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 142 (1791) wfo-0000538517
Scirpus macrostachys Willd. Enum. Pl. : 78 (1809) wfo-0000540918
Scirpus maritimus var. macrostachys (Willd.) Dumort. Fl. Belg. : 144 (1827) wfo-0000541098
Scirpus maritimus var. tuberosus (Desf.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2: 139 1817 wfo-0000541149
Scirpus tuberosus Desf. Fl. Atlant. 1: 50 (1798) wfo-0000547266
Scirpus maritimus var. glaucus (Lam.) Nees Contr. Bot. India : 111 (1834) wfo-0000804242
Reigera maritimus var. tuberosus (Desf.) Opiz Seznam : 83 (1852) wfo-0000804243
Bolboschoenus tuberosus (Desf.) Hadac Bull. Coll. Sci. Univ. Baghdad 6: 13 (1961) wfo-0000804244
Scirpus maritimus f. macrostachys (Willd.) Junge Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst., Beih. 25(3): 259 1908 wfo-0000804254
Bolboschoenus maritimus var. macrostachys (Willd.) T.V.Egorova Fl. Severo-Vostoka Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR 2: 94 (1976) wfo-0000804255
Scirpus maritimus var. tuberosus (Desf.) Schrad. Fl. Germ. : 144 (1806) wfo-1200034409
Scirpus maritimus f. macrostachys (Willd.) Nilsson Sver. Fl. : 673 (1901) wfo-1200034597