As classified in WFO snapshot
December 2023
Warning: older classification
Neotinea maculata
This species name was first published in Ann. Mus. Goulandris 2: 79
At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000250465.
Synonyms of Neotinea maculata
Name | Author | Protologue | Nomenclator | WFO link |
Neotinea intacta | De Pollin. Orchid. : 29 (1852) | wfo-0000250463 | ||
Neotinea maculata var. stricta | Wilde Orchid. Eur. 2: 556 (1977) | wfo-0000250466 | ||
Ophrys densiflora | Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. 10: 228 (1807) | wfo-0000257709 | ||
Ophrys secundiflora | Nomencl. Bot. , ed. 2, 1: 768 (1840) | wfo-0000258421 | ||
Orchis atlantica | Sp. Pl., ed. 4. 4: 42 (1805) | wfo-0000258944 | ||
Orchis ecalcarata | Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 9: 97 (1880) | wfo-0000259193 | ||
Orchis imbecilla | J. Bot. 42: 181 (1904) | wfo-0000259382 | ||
Orchis intacta | J. Bot. (Schrader) 1799(2): 322 (1800) | wfo-0000259419 | ||
Orchis masculata | Fl. Alger 198 1884 | wfo-0000259555 | ||
Orchis sagittata | Fl. Algérie Cat. Pl. : 100 (1847) | wfo-0000259968 | ||
Orchis secundiflora | Rar. Lig. [Ital.] Pl. 2: 42 (1806) | wfo-0000260003 | ||
Peristylus atlanticus | Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. : 300 (1835) | wfo-0000267368 | ||
Peristylus densiflorus | Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. : 298 (1835) | wfo-0000267406 | ||
Peristylus maculatus | Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 13-14: 2 (1850) | wfo-0000267470 | ||
Aceras densiflorum | Voy. Bot. Espagne 2: 595 (1842) | wfo-0000284189 | ||
Aceras intactum | Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 13-14: 2 (1850) | wfo-0000284701 | ||
Aceras maculatum | Fl. France Corse 3: 282 (1855) | wfo-0000285122 | ||
Aceras secundiflorum | Edwards's Bot. Reg. 18: t. 1525 (1832) | wfo-0000285338 | ||
Aceras vayredae | Pl. Eur. 1: 276 (1890) | wfo-0000285448 | ||
Satyrium atlanticum | Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. : 300 (1835) | wfo-0000304643 | ||
Satyrium densiflorum | Fl. Lusit. 1: 22 (1804) | wfo-0000304702 | ||
Satyrium maculatum | Fl. Atlant. 2: 319 (1799) | wfo-0000304787 | ||
Satyrium parviflorum | Syn. Pl. 2: 506 (1807) | wfo-0000304850 | ||
Tinea cylindrica | Giorn. Sci. Sicilia 50: 205 (1835) | wfo-0000325385 | ||
Tinea intacta | Fl. Orient. 5: 58 (1882) | wfo-0000325386 | ||
Tinea maculata | Fl. Dalmat. 3: 353 (1851) | wfo-0000325387 | ||
Orchis ustulata var. ecalcarata | Consp. Fl. Eur. , Suppl. 2: 291 (1890) | wfo-0000803593 | ||
Aceras densiflorum f. tridentatum | Bol. Soc. Brot. 5: 57, 248 (1887) | — | wfo-0000838527 | |
Aceras densiflorum f. bifidum | Bol. Soc. Brot. 5: 57, 248 (1887) | wfo-0000838528 | ||
Neotinea intacta var. tridentata | Monogr. Orchid. 244 1908 | — | wfo-0000838530 | |
Neotinea intacta var. bifida | Monogr. Orchid. 244 1908 | — | wfo-0000838531 | |
Neotinea intacta f. bifida | Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 91 (1928) | — | wfo-0000839299 | |
Neotinea intacta f. tridentata | Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 91 (1928) | — | wfo-0000839300 | |
Coeloglossum densiflorum | Prodr. Fl. Hispan. 1: 164 (1861) | wfo-0000906375 | ||
Neotinea intacta f. luteola | Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 27: 210 (1930) | wfo-0000913508 | ||
Neotinea maculata f. alba | Folia Bot. Extremadur. 3: 92 (2009) | wfo-0000913509 | ||
Neotinea maculata f. luteola | Folia Bot. Extremadur. 3: 92 (2009) | wfo-0000913510 | ||
Habenaria intacta | J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 354 (1881) | wfo-0000977861 | ||
Himantoglossum parviflorum | Syst. Veg., ed. 16. 3: 694 (1826) | wfo-0000982437 | ||
Himantoglossum secundiflorum | Fl. Germ. Excurs. : 120 (1830) | wfo-0000982442 | ||
Orchis parviflora | Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2. ii. 224. | wfo-0001223209 | ||
Orchis maculata | Fl. Alger : 198 (1884) | wfo-1000054064 | ||
Aceras anthropophorum var. purpurascens | Cavanillesia 4: 59 (1931) | — | wfo-1200065562 | |
Neotinea intacta f. alba | Fl. Afrique N. 6: 352 (1959) | — | wfo-1200065566 | |
Aceras densiflorum var. bifidum | Bol. Soc. Brot. 5: 57 (1887) | — | wfo-1200065691 | |
Neotinea intacta var. tridentata | Monogr. Orchid. : 244 (1908) | — | wfo-1200065908 | |
Neotinea intacta var. bifida | Monogr. Orchid. : 244 (1908) | — | wfo-1200065909 |