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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

latest classification for this taxon


Crotalaria verrucosa L.

This species name was first published in Sp. Pl. : 715 (1753) Link to external nomenclature reference

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000210929.

Synonyms of Crotalaria verrucosa L.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Phaseolus bulai Blanco Fl. Filip. : 572 (1837) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175805
Crotalaria acuminata G.Don Gen. Hist. 2: 134 (1832) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175806
Crotalaria angulosa Lam. Encycl. 2: 197 (1786) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175808
Crotalaria verrucosa var. acuminata DC. Prodr. 2: 125 (1825) wfo-0000175809
Anisanthera hastata Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2: 61 (1837) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175810
Anisanthera versicolor Raf. Fl. Tellur. 2: 60 (1837) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175811
Crotalaria coerulea Bedd. Madras J. Lit. Sci. , n.s., 19: 179 (1858) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175812
Crotalaria flexuosa Moench Suppl. Meth. : 55 (1802) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175813
Crotalaria hastata Steud. Nomencl. Bot. 1: 239 (1821) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175814
Crotalaria mollis Weinm. wfo-0000175815
Quirosia anceps Blanco Fl. Filip., ed. 2. : 398 (1845) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175816
Crotalaria paramariboensis Miq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11: 14 (1843) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175818
Crotalaria coerulea Jacq. Collectanea 1: 67 (1787) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000175819
Phaseolus bulae Blanco Fl. Filip. : 572 (1837) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0000469266
Crotalaria mollis Weinm. Syll. Pl. Nov. 2: 25 (1825) Link to external nomenclature reference wfo-0001054641
Crotalaria verrucosa var. obtusa DC. Prodr. 2: 125 (1825) wfo-0001061089
Crotalaria verrucosa var. genuina Stehlé Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. , sér. 2, 18: 101 (1946) wfo-0001061374