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As classified in WFO snapshot

June 2024

Warning: older classification


Leontodon saxatilis Lam.

This species name was first published in Fl. Franç. 2: 115. (1779)  

At the time of this classification snapshot, this species name was accepted by WFO (placed as the accepted name of a taxon). Its description and other taxonomic data can be found on World Flora Online, id: wfo-0000043980.

Synonyms of Leontodon saxatilis Lam.

Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link
Apargia tergestina Hoppe ex DC. Prodr. 7(1): 103 (1838) wfo-0000002240
Leontodon taraxacoides (Vill.) Willd. ex Mérat Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 22: 108. (1831) wfo-0000002703
Rhagadiolus taraxacoides All. Fl. Pedem. i. 227 (1785) wfo-0000007025
Leontodon nudicaulis subsp. taraxacoides (Vill.) Schinz & Thell. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Z?rich 66 1921 wfo-0000008604
Thrincia taraxacoides Gaudin Fl. Helv. v. 49 wfo-0000013892
Colobium taraxacoides (Vill.) Holub Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 12(3): 307 (1977) wfo-0000014005
Thrincia arenaria Martrin-Donos Fl. Tarn : 396 wfo-0000016651
Thrincia pygmaea Pers. Syn. Pl. 2(2): 369 (1807) wfo-0000021354
Leontodon psilocalix Mérat Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 22: 106 (1831) wfo-0000036944
Crepis nudicaulis auct.non L. wfo-0000038494
Thrincia hirta var. dubia Bab. wfo-0000047811
Thrincia hirta var. psilocalyx DC. A.P. de Candolle, Prodr. 7. 1838 99 1838 wfo-0000048751
Thrincia hirta var. lasiolaena Bisch. G.W.T.G. Bischoff, Beitr. Fl. Deutschl.. 1851 43 1851 wfo-0000049014
Leontodon nudicaule var. nudicaule wfo-0000049204
Leontodon nudicaulis subsp. nudicaulis wfo-0000049349
Thrincia hirta var. leiolaena Bisch. G.W.T.G. Bischoff, Beitr. Fl. Deutschl.. 1851 42 1851 wfo-0000049829
Apargia hirta Schkuhr wfo-0000052288
Thrincia hirta var. arenaria (Duby) DC. A.P. de Candolle, Prodr. 7. 1838 99 1838 wfo-0000053177
Thrincia nudicalyx var. glabra Ten. wfo-0000053303
Leontodon nudicaulis var. nudicaulis wfo-0000053463
Thrincia nudicalyx var. nudicalyx wfo-0000053512
Leontodon nudicaule subsp. nudicaule wfo-0000053638
Thrincia saxatilis subsp. saxatilis wfo-0000056345
Thrincia laevis Lag. Gen. Sp. Pl. : 24 (1816) wfo-0000064718
Leontodon rothii Ball J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 16: 543 (1878) wfo-0000079767
Leontodon leysseri (Wallr.) Beck Fl. Nieder-Osterreich 2: 1312. 1893 wfo-0000082829
Thrincia saxatilis subsp. taraxacoides (Vill.) Holub & Moravec Holub & Moravec in Preslia 24. 1952. 75 1952 wfo-0000083168
Thrincia psilocalyx Lag. ex Rchb. Iconogr. Bot. Pl. Crit. 8: 20, t. 749. f. 995 (1830) wfo-0000089003
Thrincia leyseri Wallr. Sched. Crit. : 441 (1822) wfo-0000105645
Hyoseris taraxacoides Vill. Prosp. Hist. Pl. Dauphiné : 33 (1779) wfo-0000106383
Leontodon nudicaule (L.) Banks wfo-0000109143
Leontodon saxatilis var. major (Boiss.) Maire wfo-0000109440
Thrincia nudicaulis Lowe Trans. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 4(1): 28 (1831) wfo-0000126518
Leontodon nudicalyx (Lag.) Mérat Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 22: 109. 1831 wfo-0000131950
Colobium hirtum Roth Arch. Bot. 1(1): 37 (1796) wfo-0000133918
Thrincia saxatilis (Lam.) Holub & Moravec 75 1952 wfo-0000137726
Thrincia nudicalyx Lag. Gen. Sp. Pl. : 24 (1816) wfo-0000138471
Leontodon hastilis var. arenarius Duby Bot. Gall., pars prima : 308 (1828) wfo-0001382881
Leontodon saxatilis var. arenarius (Duby) P.D.Sell Fl. Gr. Brit. Ireland 4: 531 (2006) wfo-0001382882
Leontodon saxatilis var. pristis (Druce) P.D.Sell Fl. Gr. Brit. Ireland 4: 531 (2006) wfo-0001382888
Hyoseris pygmaea Ait. wfo-1000057224
Leontodon nudicaulis var. pristis Druce wfo-1200069105
Leontodon saxatilis subsp. taraxacoides (Vill.) Emb. & Maire wfo-1200069113
Thrincia nudicaulis subsp. taraxacoides (Vill.) P.Fourn. wfo-1200069151

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Name Author Protologue Nomenclator WFO link